Shopping in the garden online stores. Lessons. Or why my garden can be called "Field of Dreams"

  • Dec 24, 2019

Probably every gardeners wish to make your site "most-most"... Children, grandchildren, please, pamper pure healthy goodies. Neighbors or impress bumper crop, or some gimmick. Find yourself an exotic variety, the envy of the neighborhood. Well, as without it ?!

No sooner said than done. And this is not a problem in our advanced age. Internet to help us! It is difficult to count how many proposals seeds, seedlings, bulbs. In this colorful photographs, descriptions of the methods of cultivation and care.

And interestingly, the more exotic variety, or the plant itself, the easier it is, judging from the description, its cultivation. And bought growers, vegetable growers in the garden online stores seeds and seedlings of tomato unusual purple, bright blue roses winding up to 2 meters of strawberries ...

Here I am at the beginning of their gardening activities tugged on his land all that the eye "falls" from acquaintances, friends, neighbors. But the main supplier was, of course, the Internet.

How do I buy seedlings "curly strawberry"

instagram viewer

I knew she spoke the familiar agriculturists practices that do not happen curly strawberry. But so it looked enticing berries waterfall almost flush with the young person. Contrary to common sense, ordered the same dozen bushes. He hoped "to Russian maybe." Of course he let me down.

Moreover, it is not twisted, so still and so-so grade, berries are not particularly large, and not very much. I buried the money in the strawberry patch.

A surprise think I outlandish neighbors cherry

The site we have a small, and I want to place a lot. Cherry love all households and fresh, and cooked, and frozen for dumplings and stewed fruit in the winter. A large tree takes a lot of space, gives a lot of shade. Columnar cherry - this is the way. Rostochkom up to six meters, the berries to a bucket of trees. I subscribe!

Seedling came, as promised, is small, less than one meter, with a well-developed root system. But two years vymahal up to 2.5 m. No haircut could not contain it. Cherry blossom in the third year. Tasty, with a pronounced cherry aroma. This "tiny" tree shadow shut down half of my flower bed.

But it still was not the last surprise. Cherry, in response to our enhanced crop, began to give shoots. Young shoots began to appear from the ground within a radius of 1.5-2 m from the trunk. Within two years, after the cut down a cherry, we struggled with undergrowth. Another coin in the hole!

Flowers - decoration area

In the garden online stores riot of colors and paints. New items are striking unusual colors: not just a new color, colorful dahlias on the same plant. Cosmo with different colored petals in a flower. But a special vertex "fotoshopovoy breeding" became brighter rose.

Fortunately, these roses I did not order, but buried the same coin in the flower beds. I ordered for a shady corner of the garden loosestrife. Bright sunny yellow flower, not picky in care. But in the description of a word has been said about his aggressiveness, and it captures the territory worse than Alexander the Great.

Today I received a newsletter in the mail, offer tomato "Black Pearl."

Here I think: can prescribe to fully justify the name of the garden site "Field of Dreams ...", well, then you know that?

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