How to effectively prevent Fusarium at the site to your crop rotted on the vine

  • Dec 24, 2019

Fusarium - a serious attack - fungal infected plants, which is best detected in the early stages of the disease. Spores of the fungus-pest found in soil and enter the plant through wounds and microcracks. It can capture plant at any growth stage and any age.

It manifested outwardly in the blackening of the stems and yellowing leaves of the plant, the gradual withering. Hidden from the primary lesion of the root - rotting process contributes to the spread of the disease.

The source of infection becomes, as a rule, the soil is infested with seeds and seedlings.

Key actions to prevent Fusarium

The disease is dangerous because it always begins with root rot, find it in the early stages of manifestation is impossible. Therefore, the main control measures become proactive.

  • calcining the soil for seedlings, garden vases and ridges. Of course, this method is simple only if we talk about the plants, when the number of small Peat mixture. However, if you wish, you can be puzzled and processing the earth in the open beds. Part of this may help in the final autumn work in the garden. Burning leaves and other garden waste, start a bonfire on the beds.
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  • Seed treatment before sowing. Way more affordable and never once. First, get rid of fungicides probably existing disease and insecticides from the dormant pests. Second seed better prepared for germination. The solution for etching can be bought in shops for gardening, or to prepare himself.

That can be used for etching:

  • weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • fresh aloe juice and water (1: 3);
  • solution of boric acid.
Remember that the process of seed treatment perceives as a call for growth. Therefore, this procedure is performed directly before planting or planting seedlings in the open ground.
  • Treatment of the soil with special structures (Trihodermin). Such a method is suitable for potted plants and potted plantings. Just add 4-5 pellets of the drug in the pots volume of 4 liters.
  • Treatment of open beds and beds produced from the early stages of crop seeds. For this work fit preparations Mikosan-B Fitotsid already mentioned Trihodermin. Prepare treatment solution should be strictly according to the formulation specified in the label means.

What to do with sick plant

Unfortunately, infection is detected too late, when all the external signs on the face. Struck plant is removed from the patch together with the root system (bulb). All remnants of the diseased plants is recommended only burn, but do not throw in the compost pits or used as mulch.

Important! All neighboring plants should be sprayed with a drug for the prevention of, for example, fundazol.

Prevention of Fusarium

Fungal diseases are beginning to develop in a supportive environment. This, above all, high humidity. Measures to prevent this are:

  • often loosen the soil in the beds and ridges;
  • always carry out cleaning it soil before planting the plants;
  • all garden tools and instruments from time to time "sterilize": to clean, alcohol treatment.
Tip! If you use water from natural reservoirs are near, it is better to type it in advance in a container (drums, tanks, buckets) for irrigation and defend using fitosporin-M product.

We hope that the tips will help you make a thorough preparation of seed for the spring planting of seedlings and planting early maturing crop. Consider all of the recommendations, and then the probability of disease is minimized.

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