Settle on your site and actinides lakomtes its delicious fruit with a huge benefit for your health

  • Dec 24, 2019

A native of Southeast Asia, Actinidia, recently settled in Russian gardens. Although the fruits of one species, namely Actinidia Chinese, liked much earlier, and are known as "Kiwi".

Plants - perennial vine that can live in conditions favorable to a hundred years. Tree-escapes, relying on the trees can reach a height of up to thirty meters. In the conditions of the southern regions of the country it is possible to grow in the open field, in the middle lane - in greenhouses.

To accommodate eastern prishelitsy choose protected from the sun, hail and winds place. Best under a canopy of trees that can be used for shoots of support. Ilisooruzhayutsya sufficiently strong trellis. Even in the south of culture needs to be protected from the cold.

Actinidia - a truly unique creation of nature and valuable medicinal properties endowed with leaves and bark, flowers and fruits.

The value and benefits of the fruit of Actinidia

Fruits - is elongated or rounded berries, from yellow-green to pale orangish brown color. Pulp is the most famous of all kinds of sweet to varying degrees, with the characteristic flavors. In kolomikta - reminiscent of gooseberry, in Argut - pineapple taste, in China - strawberry aftertaste.

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In its composition, and a set of valuable and useful substances Actinidia is unmatched. On the content of ascorbic acid, it has surpassed even black currants, record holder for this indicator!

Two or three fruits of Actinidia a day to help:

  • normalize high blood pressure;
  • improve digestion and intestinal motility;
  • compresses the fruit juice used in the treatment of trophic ulcers and eczema.

Contained in the cortex Actinidia, and tanning agents glycosides caused its application as decoctions

  • expectorant;
  • hemostatics;
  • analgesic and sedative.

Decoctions of flowers and leaves Actinidia help with:

  • coronary heart disease and rheumatism;
  • radiculopathy and deposition of salts in the joints;
  • whooping cough and pulmonary diseases.