What are the 3 main rules you need to follow when planting grapes in the spring, to continue to receive big crops

  • Dec 24, 2019
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It comes time to sort out the seeds and plan for future landings. If you want to lay the vineyard, it's time to start collecting information. Planting grapes in the spring has its advantages, does not necessarily put off by the fall!

Spring planting grapes

Heat reduces the risk of freezing young seedlings. After planting the bushes in the spring quickly go to the growth and prepare the land for them, even in autumn, when there is free time.

Of course, on shoots overwintering pests can attack, so they can not throw without attention!

planting time

Experienced gardeners adhere to certain rules to select the term:

  • Cuttings of bare-root planted in the ground in late April, but the air to warm up to 15 degrees, and the ground - up to 10 degrees, no less.
  • A closed-system - and not before the second half of May.

How to choose a station

Grapes presents its list of requirements for a good harvest:

  • He loves the light, nothing should obscure the landing. It is desirable to select the southern and western areas. Grapes do not like the close proximity, from mature trees indent should ideally be about six meters, and from the bushes - three.
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  • Provide protection from the wind and keep warm. Ideal: the south side of a brick house or fence
  • Faultless composition soil - chernozem with excellent drainage and nutrient layer thickness is at least 60 centimeters.
  • The plot is thoroughly clean out the weeds, dug deep and leveled.

How to plant grapes

If the site was dug up from the fall, then spring must spend loosening, and then make a layout for the landing. The rows are from north to south, the distance between them of about 2.5 - 3 meters, and digging pits for cuttings in the region of two meters.

The dimensions of the landing pit: depth and width of approximately one meter on. At its bottom lay drainage from the gravel and coarse sand. You can find advice on this point to dig plastic pipe for the subsequent supply of fertilizers and water.

Made fertilizers: manure, compost, ash, ammonium sulphate and superphosphate, but do not overdo it! Excess too bad! Nutrients are laid on the bottom, top drainage shed water (do not save, pour one and preferably two buckets), roots dropwise conventional ground with the addition of humus.

At the end of mulching topsoil hay or sawdust. Mulch retains moisture, suppresses weed growth and does not leach out nutrients. Yes, not grape planting is simple, but the costs recouped sweet harvest! Keen gardeners manage to cultivate vineyards, even in cold climates, carefully planting in greenhouses and an additional wrapping film.