What to do when a cold and cough knocked off his feet and what folk remedies will help you to easily overcome the disease!

  • Dec 24, 2019
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Winter cold days - is not only a series of New Year and Christmas holidays, but also a very tedious period of colds accompanied by cough, runny nose and fever. Symptoms piled at the wrong time, when you have to go to work or school.

Catarrhal symptoms of ailments can not be ignored. From the first signs of the disease well help herbs. They enhance human resistance to viruses and favor a speedy recovery.

Simple grass - a reliable assistant in the treatment of colds people

Very effective, and in most cases - fragrant and delicious, are the following medicinal drinks from the familiar to all plants and herbs:


  • He has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, is used for the treatment of cough and sore throat.

Mother and stepmother

  • Broth soothes red and dry throat, eases symptoms of bronchitis. Components of a mother and stepmother separated mucus in bronchitis and output it to the outside.

Drink of lime and sage

  • The magical effect of the use of lime tea with sage is known to all. This remarkable vitamin drink that can quickly deliver on its feet after a cold ailments. The lime tea is useful to add the honey and sage - they help strengthen the body's defenses and will warm at overcooling.
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Rosehip berries

  • Red berries hips - is a huge storehouse of vitamin C, also known as a natural healer. Tea with rosehip can enhance raspberries or honey. The drink is especially useful as a tonic and tonic;

healing friends

Catarrhal cough and other symptoms of the disease and help treat other plants.


Since ancient times it is known for its healing effect. Decoctions for the treatment of cough prepared from its roots. The recipe is very simple: 2 tablespoons chopped turnip need to pour a glass of boiling water and keep on low heat for 15 minutes. Antitussive drink a decoction recommended by ¼ cup 4 times a day for 30 minutes before eating.


It is indispensable for winter ailments figs. After receiving the drug infusion the pain in my throat goes after 1-2 days, and the cough is softened and expectorated for 2-3 days.

Used in various diseases of the upper respiratory tract, including angina and pneumonia. The milk should be lowered coarsely chopped 3-4 pieces of figs and bring to a boil. The liquid is then simmered must simmer for half an hour. During this time, the drink becomes thick and very sweet. Next, the broth is filtered (cooked figs can eat) and drunk warm 2 tablespoons three times a day.

During the summer you can prepare a lot of medicinal plants from the cold that grow in our region: chamomile, peppermint, echinacea purpurea, leaves, raspberries and currants, oregano and other plants. So you have on hand will always be ready medicinal raw materials.