7 tips from experienced gardeners gardeners have to do in January, so that you can count on a good harvest

  • Dec 24, 2019

Council №1

In central Russia, where winter comes into their possession, and are bitter colds tend to freeze slightly at the ends of the branches of fruit trees, berry bushes. May die rose bushes, in artificial reservoirs suffer lilies.

Particular risk chrysanthemums, irises. If snowy winter, it is recommended to hide the snow drifts (as high as possible) and shrubs soil near barrel portions around trees. Experienced gardeners recommend that before you shovel snow, lay the ground straw.

This procedure is necessary to carry out and in areas with garden strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries. The higher the snow cover, the more chances to save the life of your beloved pet. Since branches of Japanese quince are very sensitive to frost, can seriously "catch a cold".

№2 Council

It happens that the winter is accompanied by a large snowfall. Of course, the question of shelter plants disappears by itself. But a new problem arises. Under the weight of snow, most likely to break off tree branches. It turns out that the season for the summer resident is not easy.

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№3 Council

Unfortunately, winter is a massive attack of rodents. Rats and mice are operating in the premises, hares on the plot. We advise against rabbit wrap tree trunks ordinary burlap, which must exist in the economy amateur gardener. use against mice and rats drugs such as "RATOBOR", "Goliath", "nutcracker".

№4 Council

Do not bring a little trouble and birds. Driven by hunger, they "eat" the kidneys. Simple advice - to make bird feeders and, quite simply, to lure birds.

The most "danger" represents tit. The fact is, it is not a special hunting uses in food crops, and can be put to him already from the very hopelessness. Therefore, you can hang on the apple wood smoked meat slices weak or unsalted bacon (this is most likely).

№5 Council

The best time for harvesting seed is mid-January. To begin, decide what you wish for: where, what and how you want to sow your land. Decide on the amount of crops as well, check last year's reserves (suddenly something so left). Pay attention to the packaging, shelf-life, is it worth the risk, planting next year. Peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkins, eggplant can remain viable for up to six years. Dill, carrots, parsley, only a maximum of two years.

№5 Council

On a note: Garlic and onion skins, citrus peel any have potent antimicrobial activity, so collect the wastes, microwave oven dry them (if there is such an option), or just on the steam radiator and fold into packets (preferably paper).

Spring fabricate something in the form of decoction. The recipe is simple: 1.5 kg grind mixture in a blender, pour 3.5 liters of hot water (not boiling). Pour into containers and store prior to the period of the garden. In case of garden pest insects add 100 g of a solution in 10 liters of water and spray them plants. You'll see, you'll be pleasantly surprised with the outcome.

№7 Council

Do not waste your time in vain. Plan portion, define the landing place of various crops. Determine the "neighborhood", that is what plants near coexist, and which are not. Stock up on necessary Dressing.