How and why pinch cucumbers?

  • Dec 24, 2019

Often gardeners who love to experiment with the cultivation of new varieties of cucumber, make a mistake. They buy their favorite seeds, grow seedlings, planted it in the greenhouse, but not the form of the plant. At the end of the season they begin to say that they have gathered the harvest is small, so a bad grade. But that's not the grade, and that growers could not reveal its potential.

Pasynkovanie cucumbers. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Pasynkovanie cucumbers. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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Which requires pasynkovanie

Pasynkovanie cucumbers used for the following purposes:

  • increasing productivity of the bush;
  • transfer fruiting at an earlier date;
  • to form plants.

Opinions about truckers pasynkovaniya differ. Some recommend to pinch the main stem when the cucumbers are just beginning to grow. Other gardeners blind kidney that are in the axils of the first 4 cucumber leaves. Others instead pinch the buds at the bottom 8 sheets. Some do not form a bush cucumber, just thrown them in a greenhouse and then watered. Each of them in his own right, a lot of varieties.

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Many summer residents are interested in how and why pinch cucumbers. In the USSR in seed stores in the sale were self-pollinated varieties. Male flowers appear only on the main shoot and the formation of women going on the side. Therefore, topping the main stem was the right decision. Those gardeners who have not done this, got heavily overgrown bush with a lot of barren flowers.

Now growers offered parthenocarpic hybrids. They are formed only female flowers, so barren flowers will not.

Formation of the ovaries occurs in the same time as the flowers, they are formed on the main stem. Because of this, it will lead to a topping that bush yields decline, and change the timing of fruit ripening for the worse.

To determine whether it is parthenocarpic hybrid, you must look at the buds, which are in the axils of lower leaves. If there is a small cucumbers, then pinch the main stem is not necessary. If instead of the ovary is a sterile flower, it pcheloopyljaemogo cucumber, so the increase is necessary to point prischipnut. Since the plant itself shows gardener, or on the lateral shoots of the main stem of the fruit it will be formed.

Topping of cucumbers. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Topping of cucumbers. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

Procedure topping of cucumbers

If parthenocarpic hybrid, the rate of growth of the ovaries at the bottom part of the plant, a 2-fold lower than that formed at a height of 70-100 cm. To start building the plant, when it will have 5 or 6 leaves. Sinus bottom 5 should be completely clear, not only from the ovaries, but also shoots.

Procedure is necessary to ensure that all power plants went on the formation of a strong root system, and then spent on stem growth. This will lead to the fact that the harvest will be earlier, the bush 1 will remove a few kilos of cucumbers.

Plants that grow in a greenhouse, it is necessary to tie up to a trellis. After a dazzling first 5 leaves go to the following 5 in their sinuses clean only the stepchildren, but has left the ovary. The following five left leaves suckers 2 together with the ovaries.

All the shoots that will appear above, pinch out on the third sheet. Pinch the main shoot when he outgrows trellis 6 leaves. From it will be 2 side shoots. They are thrown through a trellis, from which they hang. They pinch, when the ground will be about 1 m.

This is not the only possible method of forming the bush, many gardeners do not pinch the plants every 5 leaves and 20 cm increments. But the main rule can be called is that hybrids are formed in one stalk.

Side shoots to earn additional crop, but it depends on the regularity of watering plants, the presence of fertilizing and climate.

Leaving the side shoots, gardeners should be aware that they contribute to thickening. The formation of the bush can be achieved not only increase productivity, but also to halt the growth of foliage, or redirect power plants on the formation of ovaries.

If you do not have time to care for cucumbers, it is better to buy hybrids, which differ moderate the growth of shoots. To grow such varieties can be not only in the greenhouse, but also outdoors.

original articleand many other materials can be found on ourwebsite.

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