As you will be able to get rid of fruit rot on apples, to always get a great harvest

  • Dec 24, 2019
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How often can be seen on the fruit trees in the gardens of rotting directly on the branches of fruit? Yes, all the time! And it is not the effects of heavy rains, it is literally a result of improper care and concern. Consider the terrible word "moniliosis" and how to fight it.

How and when appears on apples rot

Moniliosis - a fungal disease of fruit trees species drupes. Most often, illness affects crops such as peach, cherry, apricot, plum, cherry. But in the temperate latitudes of the country loved the fungus and pome trees - apples and pears.

How does the defeat:

  • during flowering in early spring abruptly begin to dry the leaves, flowers and young branches;
  • primarily wither just beginning to blossom flowers and inflorescence;
  • the fungus that causes the disease affects the tree at the moment of the beginning of flowering.

Interesting! Please note that the summer varieties of apple trees suffer from pest first, and later regularly appear with contaminated and more late varieties of trees.

How to deal with the fruit rot on apples

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At that time, when you find damage on apple trees, do something too late. In this situation, all that is required - is to remove from under the fallen tree rotten fruit, preventing them prokisaniya directly under the bushes.

Home moniliosis prevention should take place in two stages:

  • late autumn after the harvest;
  • in early spring when the garden wakes up from hibernation.

Important! The disease is quite easy to removable permanently if preventive periods to carry out a thorough job of keeping fruited health.

Methods of prevention of post-harvest (autumn)

  • All fallen ill to collect the fruits from the soil surface, cut diseased branches shears, collect withered foliage of the trees and burn all this down.
  • If suddenly some fruits decided not to fall from the tree, and rotten winter on it, promptly remove every one apple. Burn along with other horticultural and waste.
  • Burn the affected branches (moniliozny burn - so also called fungal infection) cut so that the little twigs to capture a healthy body.
  • Places of all sections, as well as possible reckless injury caused to the tree in the care of a fit, you must treat the garden pitch.
  • The soil under the trunk of each tree a little dig, loosen, remove weeds and fertilize fertilizing. In the spring of a place in the trunks can sprinkle mulch.

Important! Before removing the fork garden with apple trees, or cutting branches pruning shears, all equipment must be treated with antiseptic. It is better to add vigilance than acquiescing.

Techniques prophylaxis after wintering (spring)

  • In early spring, before the disclosure of deciduous kidneys, treat lime tree trunks with fungicide addition.
  • Immediately before spraying apply flowering trees one of the drugs ( "Chorus", "Fitoflavin", "Agricola" and others). The selected means in this good year does not change. Spray the trees again required after flowering, and then in the middle of summer and before hibernation (after the harvest).

Tasty, large, liquid apples - the dream of every gardener! To yield fruit trees increased, observe the rules of selection and purchase of seedlings, the rules of their competent landing and take care of the health of each tree.

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