Settle on your site irgu, and it helps you to save your health

  • Dec 24, 2019

Saskatoon-storehousevitamins on the site

Meet - Saskatoon. According to some growers it and berry bushes, others are convinced that this tree. It all depends on how you form the crown, and give the seedlings to grow and form a thicket, or cut out all unnecessary and are a tree. Saskatoon reaches a height of 4.5-5 meters.

Saskatoon -in translation from the olive is a honey. And indeed, during the flowering bush is literally buzzing from a variety of bees visiting it. Perhaps it owes its name to the berries, sweet with a honey flavor.

This culture is hardly susceptible to diseases annually pleases excellent harvest, despite the frost or drought. Very decorative all season spring white foam flowers in July and August is decorated with colorful berries ripe dark purple, pink immature. In autumn the leaves turn purple and scarlet color.

Beneficial features.

Ripe irgi berries, dark blue, with a bluish bloom, in appearance resembles a miniature apple, about 1-1.5 cm diameter. The taste is refreshing, sweet but not cloying, with no astringency. Berries irgi equally good as a fresh, and in jams and frozen.

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Especially for children. Start your baby in the bushes irgi and hour and a half can go about their business. Little gourmand will not soon come off the delicious berries.

And the most important - is that Saskatoon is incredibly useful! Because:

  • Berries-truly a storehouse of useful elements and minerals. The fruit contains a large number of trace elements, organic active ingredients: pectin, flavonoids, sterols, dietary fiber.
  • Due to the high content of vitamin E intake of berries helps prevent problems with blood vessels: varicose veins, myocardial infarction, Alzheimer's disease.
  • Vessel walls are strengthened and become elastic, normalizes the nervous system.
  • A decoction of the berries irgi like hand fatigue and stress.
  • Saskatoon shows the elderly, diabetics, it is low-calorie, 100 grams only 45 kcal.
  • The high content of carotene helps to improve vision.
  • Fiber, dietary fiber, tannins beneficial effect on the gastro-intestinal tract and remove toxins from the body.
  • irgi berries are an excellent immunomodulator.

breeding methods irgi

Berry bushes can be propagated by seeds, cuttings, and dividing the bush. All methods are quite simple, because the plant rather quickly taking root, take root and grow well.

The easiest way to -delenie bush in which neatly separated shoots sprout from the bush, taking care not to damage the roots. The division of the bush, it is desirable to do in the fall or early spring. The best one-two summer shoots shoots. Young plants are very well acclimatized. Begin to bear fruit in the third year after planting.

Planting and Care

Saskatoon is not particularly demanding on the soil, but it should be remembered that on poor soils, the plant gives a lot of shoots, raspolzayas in search of food. For planting shrubs take away a sunny place, where there is a high groundwater, because, when waterlogging, gray mold develops.

planting standard procedure: pit size 60x60 cm, 50 cm deep. At the bottom of -drenazh. To add humus soil, lime, if necessary, because the Saskatoon likes slightly alkaline soil and sand. Loaded into the planting hole 300g superphosphate and 150 g of potash fertilizer, or 500 g of wood ash. Tree trunks after irrigation mulch. The tops of the shoots are cut, leaving 5-6 buds.

Just below you will find a link to an article describing the three great large-fruited varieties irgi.

By the way, I almost forgot to ask you to look at the photo below... )

Thank you and see you soon! :) Come visit - Stay live! :)

We recommend:

Three of the best large-fruited varieties Irgi - berries, which helps you to save your health