What's wrong with carrots ?!

  • Dec 24, 2019
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Quite often, gardeners are faced with a particular challenge for growing carrots. Like and roots clean, flawless, and no pests in the area, and the tops of carrots turn yellow and dry, and the plant itself is poorly developed?

All these symptoms indicate that the carrot is suffering from cercosporosis. Cercosporosis - is a fungal disease of plants, affecting only part of their hardwood.

Signs of carrots cercosporosis

The first symptoms are manifested by the appearance on the leaves and stalks of light brown and yellowish spots, which gradually increase in size and eventually apply to all a sheet plate.

Over time, the darker spots, getting brown-brown color, sheet plate plant curl and wither. In this case, apparently the plant looks like burnt. If we look at the lower part of the affected area of ​​the sheet, it can be seen a thick gray powder. This is the plaque and is conidia of the fungus.

Startled cercosporosis carrot tops eventually dies, and the roots were left without power sheet become small and shriveled.

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Causes of cercosporosis

Unfortunately, cercospora blight - a widespread disease and can run into him everywhere. A particularly favorable conditions for its development are rainy, cool weather and high humidity. The causative agent - the fungus that overwinters in plant residues, although there are cases of infection cercosporosis and plant seeds.

Prevention methods cercosporosis

To avoid this unpleasant affliction well zhno necessarily:

  • Thoroughly clean the autumn of your site from all plant residues.
  • Make a deep digging of the soil.
  • Observe the rotation.
  • Choose for sowing carrots well-drained sites.

Fighting cercosporosis

If such a nuisance as cercospora blight of carrot, still occurred, you need to treat the infected portion of a solution of the drug "Farmayod", which is prepared in a proportion of 100 ml per 10 liters water. Solution consumption - 8-10 liters per five square meters. The treatment portion watering must be carried out with a fine strainer.

Note that a preparation containing iodine, absolutely detrimental effect on the entire microflora. Therefore, about 2 weeks after the treatment, it is necessary to revitalize the soil making fresh compost. Significantly improve the soil and populate its useful microflora help EM preparations containing beneficial microorganisms (fitosporin-M, Baikal EM-1 Gamair).

In addition to organic soil improvement, also do not forget about mineral supplements, and on introducing phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.

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