In the forest, found a strange insect like a spider with a dog's head. How dangerous it is for a man. Live Video + Photo

  • Dec 24, 2019
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Harvestman Metagryne bicolumnat
Harvestman Metagryne bicolumnat

This image made Kay Andreas (Andreas Kay) - a scientist - arachnology, who was in the rainforest of Ecuador. It was he who discovered it, to the village unknown to science, strange insect in its regular tropical expedition. The first thought that arises from any person who saw this picture that it can not be and it is pure Photoshop water. But no!

This spider actually lives in the impenetrable rainforests. And the proof of this fact will serve as a real video which you can see in this publication.

And in this photo harvestman more like a rabbit.
And in this photo harvestman more like a rabbit.

And as it turned out, this natural wonder is not quite the spider and harvestman, referring to the order of arthropods, a class of arachnids. And his name Metagryne bicolumnataAnd, as they say in the world they call harvestmen - rabbit (bunny harvestman). As it turned out, in spite of his little frightening view of the large-scale photo, it is absolutely harmless small and its size does not exceed the size of a human fingernail. And by the way, his real eye - it's not the two bright spots on the back, but the fact that at first glance seems to face.

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Metagryne bicolumnata compared with a human fingernail. Photo © Andreas Kay from website
Metagryne bicolumnata compared with a human fingernail. Photo © Andreas Kay from website

This kind of a rare species of spider was discovered in 1963, but is still poorly understood. In addition to photos Andreas Kay gave everyone's attention still and video.