Most productive tomato varieties for growing in a greenhouse and open field on 2019-2020g

  • Dec 24, 2019

Proper selection of varieties of tomatoes in a greenhouse for growing is the main key to an abundant harvest.

The modern market is a huge range of different varieties. A short time and get lost among all this abundance. We present you an overview of the most productive varieties of tomatoes According to breeders, experienced and seasoned gardeners.

The best varieties of tomatoes


Excellent Middle-yielding variety, which does not require complex care. It is one of the clear leaders among the determinant of hybrid varieties. Height bushes 80-120 cm. the beginning of the harvest to 110-120 days from germination.

Bright red fruit with smooth, shiny skin that is resistant to cracking, reach a weight of 250-400 grams. Ideal for canning.

Grade has excellent resistance to fungal diseases and temperature extremes, tolerates drought.


Medium early determinate hybrid type. Responsible for high yield timely organic and mineral supplements. Height strong bushes 70-90 cm.

The vegetation period of 100-110 days. Red, slightly flattened fruits reach a weight of 250-300 grams. High resistance to disease and lack of moisture.

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Red, slightly flattened fruits reach a weight of 250-300 g are widely used in the preparation of tomato paste.

King early

Wonderful young early ripening variety, is very popular with experienced gardeners. The vegetation period of 80-90 days.

The first fruits reach a weight of 500 grams, the next 160-240 gr. Grade has a strong immunity to diseases. Demanding care and watering.

pink spam

High-yielding hybrid, early ripening, indeterminate type. Sweet pink fruit weighing 150-280 gr, have an average density of juicy flesh and heart-shape.

Height bushes 130-170 cm. Yields of up to 25 kg per 1 square meter! It responds well to the mineral and organic fertilizing.

Slivka honey

High yielding variety with early ripening. Very tasty, sweet, slightly sour fruit weighing 60-80 grams are dense skin. In good preservation, and are suitable for long term storage.

60-70 cm height of the bush. Harvest 95-100 days. Sort possess high resistance to diseases. In the northern regions of the country planting is best done in a greenhouse.