How to make the soil loose and rich: 5 cool solutions

  • Dec 24, 2019

It is no secret that every gardener wants to get the most out of their labors in the form of a healthy and abundant harvest. What is the guarantee of a rich harvest in the future season? There is no doubt - in a competent treatment of the soil in the fall!

How to get rich harvest
How to get rich harvest

1. Soil processing time on site

Many gardeners as fall processing, limited digging portion, preferring to produce nutritious fertilizing soil spring. And in vain! Indeed, active life in the soil continues to the end of December.

And if necessary to make organic and mineral fertilizers in the fall, then immediately starts the process of recycling organic matter and minerals cleavage in an accessible form.

As a result, with the advent of spring plant during germination immediately absorb all the nutrients produced in the autumn-winter period.

A nutritious bottom
A nutritious bottom

But if we make the necessary fertilizer in the spring, the maximum their return they start to give no earlier than the end of June. And until that time, the plants have to be content with what we have. Because of the rich harvest we expect from them? After all, plants do not receive all the necessary for the full development potential.

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Correct processing of the soil in the fall will bring you great benefit, because it ensures:

  • Increasing fertility and soil structure.
  • Getting rid of weeds.
  • Destruction of most pests and pathogens.
  • A rich and healthy crop.
bountiful harvest
bountiful harvest

How to treat the soil in the fall

2. Cleaning of the area

cleaning of weeds
cleaning of weeds

The first thing you need to remove from the site absolutely all crop residues and tops. They can stay for the winter various pathogens or insect pests. All waste from the garden you can safely send to the compost pile. During the composting process, all pathogens and insects die.

3. Weed the garden

weeding the garden
weeding the garden

Then you need to try as much as possible to clear the site of weeds, pulling or digging them up by the roots. If you do not, then they are actively in the spring will go to the growth and will take away all the nutrients and moisture in cultivated plants.

4. Autumn digging of the soil

Digging the garden in autumn
Digging the garden in autumn

After that, we proceed to the digging of the soil. When digging the soil in parallel are making all the necessary organic and mineral fertilizers.

On this account every taste. As can use organic manure or compost (humus).

As regards fertilizers, there is the same situation - every gardener's preferences. Someone uses complex mineral fertilizers, and someone is just using ashes. It not only contains the necessary soil and plant phosphorus and potassium, but also deters many pests.

How to fertilize the soil in the fall
How to fertilize the soil in the fall

For those who is a supporter of natural farming and soil digging opponent has a separate option:

The soil can not dig and loosen.

  • Perform the furrow depth of 10-15 cm.
  • Make furrows in organic matter and ash.
  • Sprinkle all the earth.
Useful soil residents
Useful soil residents

And yet! The processing of organic and mineral substances microorganisms running. There is one more small but very important point.

5. The use of green manure

Green manure
Green manure

To land fully rested and made up for the entire season for istrachenny potential nutrients, it is useful to sow green-manures beds. They significantly improve the soil structure, effectively protect the beds from the overgrown weeds, help retain moisture in the soil, and even deters many insect pests.

About the correct application of green manure crops and their benefits, I wrote in one of his previous articles, which you can find here.

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