How to grow basil is a luxury. Little secrets of great vintages. Sowing

  • Dec 24, 2019

I am often asked how I manage to cultivate such gorgeous bushes of basil. To help you understand what exactly it, I dug through my archives and found the photo albums, which can be clearly seen how large my basil grows.

In the photo, I specifically set next to a bush of basil 12-liter bucket, for clarity.

The height of the bush of basil on my garden of up to 90 cm, and the same in diameter
The height of the bush of basil on my garden of up to 90 cm, and the same in diameter
Many of my neighbors and friends complain that they can not achieve normal seedlings of basil, not that such luxurious bushes, as I have. I thought that the problem faced not just my neighbors, but many other gardeners.

So I decided to tell all comers on how I grow my basil. In this article I will talk about how to sow basil to achieve amicable shoots.

sowing basil

Basil - the culture of thermophilic, therefore I produce seed in May, when the ground warms up enough in the area. A place for planting should be selected sunny, in the shadow of basil feels uncomfortable. No special preparation of the beds for planting, I do not, simply loosen the ground.

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Then, just a finger I was doing a small groove depth of about 1-1.5 cm, which then seeds of basil.

No advanced treatments do not produce seeds I: Do not soak, do not germinate, no tempers. Just sow directly from a bag.

Then just sprinkled all earth lightly mulch compost humus and plenty of water from a watering can. Watering is necessary to carefully so as not to blur the sown seeds.

Care of crops basil

It now remains to ensure that the bed does not dry, and was always slightly damp. This important point is your guarantee that the seedlings are more likely and friendly.

Basil loves not only the heat and sun, but also the watering, so I continue to see to it that the soil in the garden is not particularly dry up.

When a supportive and warm weather, friendly shoots appear already on the 5th day.

Care of seedlings of basil

In the care of the seedlings is also no special tricks. The main thing to see to it that weeds not killed our green and purple rostochku. Periodic weeding, regular moderate watering and warm sunny weather - that's all you need to seedlings of basil, to quickly get stronger and grow.

How to properly seat basil and how to care for it, to get the same gorgeous bushes, I'll detail in the next article. Subscribe to my RSS feed, so as not to miss this important and interesting information.

I hope that the article was useful for you. I'll be glad your Laika!

By the way, I almost forgot to ask you to look at the photo below... :)

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Thank you and see you soon! :)

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