You do not know what to do with windfalls? Or how to turn waste into profit.

  • Dec 24, 2019
Padalitsa garden
Padalitsa garden

Every gardener or cottager sooner or later confronted with the problem of disposing of volunteer. Nice to have your yard. Then windfalls can be fed to livestock or poultry.

And what about those gardeners who do not have an animal farm? Grab his head and break the brain, thinking where to put those same endless buckets with fallen apples and pears? Of course not!

Many do not even realize that Padalitsa - this is not a problem, quite the contrary!

Padalitsa can serve as an excellent fertilizer, with which you can at times to increase soil fertility on the site. The main thing - to know how to apply it.

Fertilizing garden trees

A small amount of fruit drop can dig just under the garden trees. Along the perimeter of crown excavated trench depth of 40 cm. It lays the fallen fruit with no signs of disease and pests. And all of this safely covered with soil.

In the process of digestion Padalitsa will enrich the soil in the garden most valuable nutrients.

Fertilizing of fruit and berry bushes

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Incorporation windfalls under fruit and berry bushes
Incorporation windfalls under fruit and berry bushes

Padalitsa an excellent fertilizer and berry bushes. She laid in shallow grooves Realized around and between the rows of bushes. Sprinkle on top of it can be cut grass, and then covered with soil.

Bushes gooseberry, raspberry, black currant red or respond to nutritional feeding such generous and rich harvest.

bountiful harvest
bountiful harvest

Waste in revenues

For the remainder of volunteer too, there is a good use. It can be put in the compost heap along with other plant remains. Grass clippings, torn tops torn weeds and windfalls crushed and placed in a compost pile in layers. Each new level of the interlayer necessarily ground and sprinkled ashes.

Any pathogens or pests, even if they are present in the organic waste will be destroyed in the composting process. Good help in it is rendered preparations containing beneficial microorganisms. They significantly accelerate the composting process.

Padalitsa in a compost heap
Padalitsa in a compost heap

In the spring you will already have a quality semi-rotted humus, which you can put in the lower layers of the beds. And believe me, thanks to these simple actions, the soil on your site will be more nutritious and fertile!

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