Growing Delphiniums from seed at home

  • Dec 24, 2019

Larkspur (Delphinium or larkspur) is a perennial herb of the family Ranunculaceae. His breeding is best done by cuttings or seed method. During the separation of the rhizome, it can be damaged, so if varieties grow in your area and Spurrier hybrids that you do not want to lose, it is advisable to propagate the plant through seedlings or seeds.

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Collection and storage of delphinium seeds

Larkspur seeds can be purchased at garden stores. If your site is already growing this flower, you have the opportunity to save on planting and assemble it yourself. Gardeners with experience prefer the second option, because even with a slight violation of the conditions of shoplifting seeds can not climb.

Matured mnogolistovok falls on the autumn, the exact timing depends on the type and grade. If the "boxes" with the seeds are in the dry state and markedly browned, it is said that they are ripe, but it is recommended to collect them on a dry day. If you collect seeds from plants with no signs of disease and keep appropriate conditions, it must be remembered that the shelf life is 11 months. When stored in hot, dry room, they quickly lose their germination.

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It is best to store them in a cool at 0 ° C. The ideal place would become cooler.

Prepare containers for planting long-term delphinium

Regarding the containers for seedlings, then Spurrier suitable low wide boxes, pots, special cassettes. Preferred watering through the pallet, which means that at the bottom of the containers must be provided holes. Seedlings larkspur quite sensitive to transplant, so better to use for the cultivation of peat tablets. Together with them, the plants will be planted in open ground. It is important that the filler was too soured.

Spurrier seedlings can not tolerate soil acidification and does not need a large space for the roots. Planted it in a bulk container should not be. Before you fill the container with soil, wash it and process disinfectant solution.

Preparing the soil for growing delphinium from seed

If you are not able to plant the seedlings in peat pellets, fill the prepared container soil, making the indentation of 1 cm from the top edge. Soil for larkspur should be light and non-acidic. It is important that she had excellent air and moisture permeable qualities. Mixture for Spurrier, you can prepare yourself. To do this you need to peat, turf ground, humus and coarse sand. Put them in a ratio of 1: 1: 1: 0.5. To loosen fill in the 1/3 cup of perlite. If the soil has a high fat content, add to the milled mixture of comminuted straw or dry compost from the herbs.

Spurrier for seedlings, you can use ready-store or mix the soil for succulents.

Once the soil is prepared, it is necessary to handle low-concentration solution of potassium permanganate. For decontamination suit as "fitosporin" or "fundazol". This procedure will prevent the development of fungal infections.

Preparation of seeds for planting delphinium

larkspur seeds also need training. Once you collect them, send them for storage in the refrigerator. Before sowing, they should be etched in potassium permanganate. For this purpose, remove them from the paper bag, put into the bag and lower gauze for 20 minutes in a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate. You can also use ready-made dressing fungicides. Then wash the seeds with cold water and fill them by 24 hours of growth activator "Appin." Place them on a paper towel and allow them to dry well.

Planting seeds of delphinium seedling

Conduct seeding larkspur better at the end of winter. Not too large seeds delve into the soil and sprinkle with the ground so that they are cleaned up to the surface after the first watering. Next, spray the crops with water from a spray. Stratification will allow seeds to rise faster, so the capacity necessary to cover the crops with a dense opaque material, polyethylene wrap and place in refrigerator. You can also take out containers with seedlings on the balcony or on the street for 10-14 days. larkspur seeds firmly withstand temperatures up to -5 ° C.

Summer residents with experience is recommended to leave the container with landings in the refrigerator. Thus it will be easier to monitor them, as the seedlings can appear already time stratification. Typically, this occurs on 10-14 days after sowing. Once you find the first shoots, remove the cover from the containers and place them on a well lit place with a maximum temperature of 18 ° C. Care delphinium seedlings in the first days after germination Delphinium care needs since the first sprouts. Seedlings need artificial lighting. It is also necessary to monitor the moisture content of the ground drying it is not allowed.

Growing delphinium from seed.
Growing delphinium from seed.

Care delphinium seedlings in the first days after germination

Root watering can be carried out with a syringe.

The soil surface on the container must be loose and moderately humid. Remember that for seedlings important the right temperature.

The air should not exceed mark 20 ° C. After the appearance of sheets 2-3, larkspur sprouts can raspikirovat in pots, the volume of which is at least 300 ml.

Plants deepen into the ground to the point of growth of these leaves.

2 weeks before planting in open ground Spurrier, you need to make in it dressing in the form of "Agricola" or "Rastvorina". At the same time it is necessary to carry out hardening of seedlings, it periodically to fresh air. More increased planting seedlings in open ground is allowed only after the land shall be warmed up well and passes the likelihood of the return of night frosts. This period in the second half of May.

Young plants need protection from the sun shelter. It is also necessary to carry out their treatment of pests. Special craving for seedlings delphinium experience slugs.

If you properly care for the plantings, admire the blooming delphinium can be the first in late summer. seedling cultivation Spurrier seed means a proven way to get healthy and strong plants. In certain difficulties may arise during the germination of seeds, but if you try, you will be able to create a gorgeous flower bed out of this perennial.

original article and many other materials can be found on our website.

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