A lot of flowers, resembling jewelry - earrings, hanging from the branches of deciduous shrubs for many months. With these exquisite flowers fuchsia deservedly rank among the most popular as a garden and hothouse plants.
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Hanging flowers, often painted in the most vivid shades of pink and purple flowers adorn these abundantly flowering shrubs from early summer to mid-autumn, when their raschivayut in the open field. Fuchsia long been the favorite plants due to its long flowering period, easy maintenance and a wide variety of grades.
Flowers color varies from screaming colors to quiet pure white color and includes all possible combinations. Flowers on long stalks are composed of fused into a tube of wax four sepals divergent sharp beams on top. Inside sepals, often contrasting with them in color, bloom four petals that overlap each other, forming a bell. The flowers can be simple, double, semi-double. All of them with protruding stamens. They are usually eight, very rarely - four. Stamens can also be brightly colored, often complementing the lush colors of the perianth. When growing fuchsias in the winter garden or conservatory, they can bloom for eight months. Since midsummer formed inconspicuous small purple berries.
Fuchsias are significantly different from each other and their resistance to cold in appearance. Among them are creeping form, are well suited for growing in containers and hanging baskets. Direct bushy fuchsia are arranged visual accents gorgeous colors in the border. They make good stam shrubs. Some hybrids height not more than 50 cm, while the other height exceeds 2 m.
Fuchsias grown in flower beds and borders, tend to become larger plants than those grown in pots or other containers, as without limitation, root growth of the plant is better to use water and nutrients substances.
In central Russia fuchsia during summer growing on beds, and in the winter - in greenhouses or conservatories with a temperature above 0 ° C. Resistance to frost differs significantly from the species and varieties. Fortunately, fuchsias are among the plants that are best propagated by cuttings, so grow new copies to replace the aging is not much of a problem.
Homeland fuchsias - Ts and Y. America and New Zealand.
Recommended species and varieties
Among fuchsias can be distinguished group of relatively cold-resistant and heat-loving plants.
- Cold-hardy species and varieties
Hardiness of fuchsias is only relative. They basically can overwinter in regions with mild winters (the Black Sea), if grown in well-drained soil and shelter from the wind. In unfavorable conditions, these fuchsia behave as herbaceous perennials: the aerial part dies from frosts, and spring out of the ground at the base of the bush grow new shoots.
F. magellanica (F. magellanskaya)
Bushy plant, the most winter-hardy in the genus. It is characterized by dark-crimson sepals, purple petals and protruding stamens. In the most favorable conditions, it may reach a height of 3 m. The flowers are small, approximately 4 cm long and 2 cm in diameter. The leaves are green, opposite, oblong-oval, pointed, and 7 cm long. The height and diameter of the plant - 1,2h0,5 m.
Var. gracilis "Aurea"
Very impressive against the background of narrow golden leaves appear bright red sepals and purple petals of this variety. The plant has a thin branches than the original view and arcuate stems.
Var. gracilis "Variegata"
The same color of flowers is characteristic of a given species, but the plant grew less than the previous one: up to 60 cm in height and 60 cm in diameter. Leaves with a creamy-yellow edges.
Var. molinae (syn. "Alba")
The leaves are light green, white sepals and petals of pastel lilac.
"Sharpitor" (syn. F. "Overbecks", F. "Sharpitor")
The same color flowers have a cultivar that has gray-green leaves with white edges and reaches 75 cm in height and 60 cm in diameter.
The flowers look like the flowers of the original species. They contrast beautifully with the gray-green leaves.
- cold-resistant hybrids
These direct bushy plants differ from the above mentioned types of larger flowers and a wide variety of colors. As a rule, they have simple flowers (unless otherwise stated). The leaves are green, oval, pointed, and 7 cm long. Most of these hybrids are somewhat less cold-resistant than F. magellanica, which is one of their parental species. It blooms from mid-summer to mid-autumn.
"Abbe Farges"
The species flowers very abundantly in small semi-double flowers with cherry-red sepals and pink lilac petals.
"Alice Hoffmann"
The variety blooms profusely as forms semi-double flowers with pink sepals and white petals.
"Eva Boerg"
White-pink sepals and tops with greenish pink-violet petals, paler in the ground, with pink spots. The plant has an arcuate branches reaches 75 cm in height.
"Garden News"
Semi-double or double flowers with a strong pink sepals and petals ruby.
"Lady Thumb"
The variety has a semi-double flowers with white petals, in which visible light pink streaks, and bright pink sepals with purple tint. Plant to 60 cm tall and 40 cm in diameter.
Variety gives a semi-double flowers with pastel pink sepals and purple petals. Compact plant habit, with arcuate branches, reaches 60 cm in height and diameter.
"Madame Cornelissen"
Variety has semi-double flowers with dark-crimson sepals and white petals. Plant reached a height of 1.2 m and 80 cm in diameter.
In the variety formed with a plurality of crimson flowers sepals and bluish-purple, paler in the base petals with bright red stripes. The plant reaches 1.2 m in height and 80 cm in diameter.
"Margaret Brown"
The variety has pink sepals and petals, and their rapid growth. The plant of 1 m in height and 65 cm in diameter.
"Mrs. popple "
Grade abundant blooms for several weeks (longer than most hybrids). The flowers are bright red sepals and bright purple petals. This fast-growing creeping plant with spreading branches up to 1.2 meters in height and diameter.
"Ricartonii" (syn. magellanica "Ricartonii")
Powerful plant with wide dark-crimson sepals. It reaches 2 m in height and 1.2 m in diameter.
"Rubs" (syn. F. Rubs the Red)
The variety has dark red sepals and petals are dark red with a touch of bright pink color. The plant is fast growing, reaching 50 cm in height and 33 cm in diameter.
"Snowcap" (syn. F. "Wendy")
The variety has a semi-double flowers with red sepals and white petals from the cherry-pink veins.
"Tenessee Waltz"
Rapidly growing and blooming abundantly grade having double flowers with pink or orange-red sepals and pink-purple or pink petals.
- thermophilic species
Thermophilic species are grown mainly in large pots or in the ground, as well as in greenhouses and conservatories. In the summer they thrive in the open field and in pots or beds, although they are less popular than the thermophilic hybrids, which are larger and especially the brightness of colors. Most thermophilic Fuchs can successfully overwinter in greenhouses or conservatories with artificial heating, sufficient to protect them from frost. Thermophilic fuchsia, tend to form larger flowers than cold-resistant plants.
F. bacillaris (syn. F. aprica hort., F. parviflora hort.) (F. rod-shaped)
Patula shrub with small leaves and tiny pink-red flowers less than 1 cm in diameter. The leaves are green, uzkoovalnye to 2.5 cm long. The height and diameter of the plant - 2x2 m.
F. denticulata (syn. F. serratifolia) (F. toothed)
Close erect shrub decorated with long tubular flowers with red sepals and bright orange petals. Dark green leaves, narrow, up to 15 cm long, in whorls of three or four. The height and diameter of the plant - 4h1,5 m.
Microphylla (F. leaved)
Miniature branched leaved shrub, which is characterized by small purple-red flowers are 1.5 cm in length, the pitch of which have a slightly lighter color than the sepals. Dark green leaves, narrow, up to 4 cm in length. The height and diameter of the plant - 60x60 cm.
Rrocumbens (F. prostrate)
The plant forms characteristic light orange flowers upward 1.5 cm in diameter. Dark green leaves, heart, to 1.5 cm in length. The fruits are red, 1.5 cm in diameter, long stored on the plant and attract attention. Since the plant is spreading branches, it is well suited for the growing season in the Alpine hills. The height and diameter of the plant - 0,1h1 m.
- thermophilic hybrids
Other fuchsias this very popular group is very different from a large variety of colors and shapes of flowers. Many of them are larger than that of other plants, flowers. They are not enough winter-hardy, so they can be grown outdoors throughout the year, but summer is a great ground and container plants. In the winter they can be kept in greenhouses, but more often they are grown for only one season. Apart they are most notable for their habit. Among them are the varieties and erect creeping plants, although there are intermediate forms. Creeping varieties most often chosen for hanging baskets and trench boxes. Two groups of thermophilic hybrids, Triphylla and Encliandra, characterized by its unusual flowers bubbled.
- Erect shrub varieties
Plants included in this group typically have single flowers (unless otherwise stated). The leaves are oval, pointed, green, and 7 cm long. They reach a height of 30-60 cm and 30-45 cm in diameter.
Very richly flowering plant. Flowers are narrow, with red and red petals, sepals upturned, coloration which changed to white.
The variety blooms profusely, its flowers are salmon-pink sepals and petals orange-vermilion.
"Dancing Flame"
In grade double flowers with orange sepals and petals carmine.
"Heidi Ann"
Variety has a neat appearance densely branched shrub with double flowers, composed of crimson sepals and petals of pink and lilac, less bright at the bottom, with the notable bright pink veins.
"Nellie Nuttall"
Richly flowering plant, the flowers of which are crimson sepals and white petals.
"Royal Velvet"
Very rich blooming fuchsia species. Double flowers with crimson sepals and dark purple petals painted crimson spots.
Large double flowers with dark red sepals and white petals with light red stripes.
"Winston Churchill"
Small, very abundantly flowering shrub. Sepals pink, green on the top and bright pink on the inside surface. Petals purple-blue, their color gradually changes to light purple with pink veins.
- creeping varieties
The catalogs creeping forms are often designated as hang-downing varieties for hanging baskets and hanging stages. They all have single flowers (if not stated specifically on this). The leaves are green, oval, pointed, and 7 cm long. They reach a height of 10-20 cm and 30-40 cm in diameter.
Very richly flowering plant with long flowers. Sepals white with a pink tinge, the upright; petals of dark crimson.
Variety forms many small reddish-purple semi-double flowers and is well propagated by seeds.
"Golden Marinka"
Red sepals, dark red petals and variegated golden-green leaves with red veins.
"Pink Galore"
The variety blooms very profusely and forms a double flowers with pink sepals and pale pink petals.
"Pink Marshmallow"
Very easy to culture, especially the view from the large double flowers. Sepals white, pink on the inside surface and the green at the tips; petals are white, with a slight pink tinge and pale pink veins.
"Red Spider"
The variety blooms profusely, forming long flowers with intense crimson sepals and red petals.
- hybrids Triphylla
These hybrids differ from other varieties in that their flowers have sepals very short and very long tubes formed fused bases of the petals, as well as the fact that their flowers are not single, but more often collected in the inflorescence, so they are sometimes called racemosa fuchsias. The plants described here are plain flowers. The leaves are oval, pointed, up to 7 cm long, in whorls of three. Among them are upright shrub varieties that reach 30-60 cm in height and 30-45 cm in diameter and creeping, reaching 10-20 cm in height and 30-40 cm in diameter.
billy Green
Very profusely flowering variety with dark pink flowers and olive leaves Seele, a rapidly growing direct plant.
Grade forms a set of orange flowers, bluish-green leaves.
Direct abundant flowering plant. The flowers are dark orange, leaves bronze-red.
cold-hardy fuchsia
In central Russia fuchsia do not hibernate. Described cultivation method is applicable to warmer areas. Plants are planted in open ground since the middle of spring in any soil in an open sunny position or in partial shade.
[Box type = "info"] In order to adapt to the new place, young plants are watered abundantly. [/ Box]
In the fall of the base of each plant mulch with straw or bark of plants and cut the tops, leaving the stems on the ground level height of 30 cm. It helps plants resist the cold winds that winter sway their roots in moist soil and cause damage. Complex fertilizers are applied in late winter. In the spring, when the shoots begin to open buds, strongly cut each branch, leaving it for further growth of 1-2 kidneys.
thermophilic fuchsia
In the middle zone of fuchsia can be grown as annuals. They are undemanding to the soil. Planted them after the threat passes the return of frost. Choose for them sunny place, or partial shade. In dry weather, watering. In mid-summer, Feed the plant fertilizer rich in potassium, and carefully pour the ground.
Fuchsia can be grown in open ground and in pots or hanging baskets in the universal soil for houseplants. The containers must be at least 30 cm in diameter. Potted plants are often watered and fed weekly with liquid fertilizer rich in potassium.
Autumn scoop fuchsia of flowerbeds or remove them from the containers and move to a cool, dry place at a temperature above 0 ° C. This can be a greenhouse or conservatory with heating sufficient to protect plants from frost, or the basement or a heated garage.
[Box type = "info"] Watering plants is only necessary to protect the roots from drying out. [/ Box]
In late winter or early spring of fuchsia should get under way in growth, which is necessary to increase irrigation and put them in a greenhouse with a minimum temperature of 5 degrees Celsius, or on a sunny windowsill. When will the growth of new shoots, leafless stalks lignified previous season cut, leaving them only 1-2 buds.
If you grow fuchsias indoors, plant them at any time. Minimum temperature for successful plant growth - no less than + 7 ° C. In spring and summer pritenyat plants to protect from the bright sun, plenty of water regularly and fertilize with liquid fertilizer. Remove faded flowers to cause the formation of more new buds and to improve the appearance of plants. In late summer, when plant growth slows or stops, watering less often, but do not bring the soil to dry.
Avoid dry air, which can cause abscission of buds and leaves. Fuchsia responsive to a higher humidity than is usually the case in rooms with central heating. To create a moist microclimate Grow fuchsia along with other plants. Place the pots on a tray of gravel, which need to constantly moisturize, or place pots on a windowsill in a container filled with wet moss.
At shtambovyh fuchsia formed only stem that odrevesnevaet and reaches up to 1.2 m in height. Characteristic drooping flowers are raised, so that they can get a better look.
Ready stam fuchsia expensive but gardeners who have a greenhouse with a temperature of not lower than + 10 ° C, can grow their own. Usually stam fuchsia grown during the winter.
For stam fuchsias are only suitable bush varieties. We can recommend the "Checkerboard", "Coachman", "Garden News", "Royal Velvet", "Snowcap", "Swingtime" and "Tennessee Waltz".
Stam plants best quality are obtained if fuchsia constantly during the year grew in the greenhouse. Further well-formed young plant can be planted in open ground or in a large container. On a permanent place shtambovoy fuchsia require sheltered from the wind.
The cuttings are cut in late spring or early summer. The higher the stem you want to get, the sooner you need to take cuttings. They are placed in a mixture of one part of sand and one part peat (peat soils or ready) and thoroughly watered. Until it has korlitelya. F. "Golden Marinka" needs a good light.
Neodrevesnevshie cuttings at any time from late winter to mid-autumn. Cuttings, cut in late spring or summer, it is very easy to take root in a cool greenhouse or on a sunny windowsill. Rooting at other times of the year may require a lower heating.
Maintain high humidity up until not start rooting. You can use a special setting for rooting, but it is easier to stick the edges of the pot with cuttings three short rods and put on top of a plastic bag.
Pests and diseases
Fuchsia damage the red spider mite and aphids. Of diseases can meet the rust and bud rot. In a greenhouse problems create krylka white and gray mold.
original article and many other materials can be found on our website.
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