How to turn an ordinary bicycle into the electric

  • Dec 24, 2019
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I've already talked about a few electric bicycles, but if you already have a normal bike, and you want an electric, not necessarily buy it. You can buy a kit and transform an ordinary bike into electric bike.

On Aliexpress such sets sold a lot. The minimum price for a complete set with a 250-watt motor, a simple control panel and battery-frog hanging behind the saddle, It will be about $ 380 (-23 000), but it is better to take the kit with 350W motor, battery "bottle" on the frame and control panel with LCD screen. This kit costs about 27 thousand rubles ($ 450), with more than 7000 of them are the shipping.

To simplify rework the engine is placed on the front wheel. The Chinese sent zaspitsovannoe motor-wheel size. A new wheel is necessary to rearrange the bus and set it on a bicycle.

The frame is fixed and the battery controller.

The battery is removable.

The charger is also included.

The wheel brakes change knob (these contacts are added, disconnecting the motor when braking), the gas knob is placed (as a hammer handle or spinning at choice), the control panel. You can choose a simple panel with LED or LCD panel with a speedometer and an odometer.

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On sprocket set assisting pedal sensor.

Everything is connected to the controller.

Here is the whole set.

It turns out that's a electric bike.

Electric bicycle increases weight of about 8 kg.

This complete kit is sold, for example, hereBut all the parts can be bought separately.

© Alexey Nadozhin