Why sequoia grows in America, but is not distributed around the world

  • May 05, 2021
Why sequoia grows in America, but is not distributed around the world

Sequoia is an amazing tree that grows only in America. There are many interesting facts associated with this breed. But the most important thing that most people probably wonder is why sequoia does not grow in the rest of the world. After all, most other plants have a fairly wide natural habitat.

These trees are very demanding on the climate. / Photo: drinkevolve.com.
These trees are very demanding on the climate. / Photo: drinkevolve.com.

In fact, today sequoia grows not only in America, one should immediately note that the natural range growth of this tree is really very organic - it is exclusively the Pacific coast of the North America. Moreover, the growing bandwidth of these trees is very narrow. It is only 750 km long and 75 km wide. Why exactly there is difficult to say. However, analyzing the experience of growing sequoias in other places on the planet, only one correct conclusion suggests itself.

Sequoias have been growing for thousands of years. / Photo: Twitter.

These are, of course, the right conditions. Apparently, it is only on the Pacific coast in America that a set of rather specific criteria has developed from climate, soil and landscape. It can also be assumed that before the appearance of man, sequoia grew in many places, however, subsequent climate changes reduced the population of these trees.

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Sequoias can be grown in other places, if conditions are created. / Photo: Pinterest.

Today, sequoias are grown in the UK, Italy, Portugal, South Africa, Mexico and even in the Crimea. However, in all these places, the conditions for a more or less normal growth of this tree have to be formed artificially. Sequoia is, first of all, very demanding on the level of air humidity. The sufficient level of which can only be provided by the sea. Interestingly, sequoia grows in areas where fog appears regularly.

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Serious tree. / Photo: Twitter.

Continuing the topic, read about why in the Soviet Union poplars were planted everywhere.
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