How to make the connection free

  • Dec 24, 2019

MTS now has its own keshbek service. At first glance, it does not have any particular advantages in comparison with many other keshbek services, but found a huge plus.

I recently told how to pay the rent, electricity and phone without commissions and with keshbekom ( via MTS Pay service.

Now you can get when you pay just two keshbeka - one map (I'll get 7% on the map "Big keshbek" OTP Bank), and the second from MTS Cashback.

MTS Cashback charges 1% of MTS Pay payments (excluding mobile payments and money transfers) when the amount of the payment of 50 rubles. Alas, all this can be interesting only to MTS subscribers when keshbek accumulated more than 100 rubles, it can MTS recharge the phone balance, in addition it can be used as a discount when purchasing smartphones MTS salons.

In addition, MTS Pay keshbek is charged on purchases from the plurality of partners, including Aliexpress, but other services (eg,, giving keshbek real money, of course interesting.

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And even registering MTS Cashback can get 250 rubles Gift keshbeka, it needs to do two things:
1. Sign up for
my link (Automatically Apply a promotional code NHWlQvhb).
2. Be sure to make a purchase on the same day at one of the
partners ( or in MTS services ( in the amount of 100 rubles. Gift cashback is not charged for making payments through MTS Pay.

I have to get these 250 rubles bought by MTS Cashback some trifle on Aliekspresse. Less Ali in this case is that keshbek bonus credited only a month after receiving the package.

An additional 15 rubles keshbeka can be obtained by filling out a profile and specifying your e-mail MTS Cashback service.

In general, the longer keshbekov good and different. I'm here for a month as a matter is piled up 109 rubles. On the one hand the money small, on the other hand, it is half of my monthly fee for mobile communication, and why not get a hundred rubles, if this is practically nothing to do.

© 2019 Alex Nadozhin