Free credit card with keshbekom 7%, which is difficult to obtain

  • Dec 24, 2019
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This card does not advertise and most willing to get it denied, in trying to get it is definitely worth - because of its yield 7% keshbeka the most interesting shopping category.

I succeeded!

Credit card "Big keshbek" OTP Bank is different from the vast majority of credit card so that it is free: not for release, not for the money do not take care. Grace period up to 55 days allows you to use the credit money also for free, on time paying off debt.

But most importantly it is keshbek, there are six categories:

Family (supermarkets, groceries, pharmacy, medicine, children's goods and services, utilities);
All repair (electronics, computers, building materials, goods for repair, furniture, home accessories, payment of works of repair organizations);
Auto (refueling, maintenance, cleaning, purchase of spare parts and accessories, purchase of vehicles);
Travel (air and rail / train tickets, ferries, toll roads, hotels, rent of transport, shopping at Duty Free);
Shopping and beauty (clothes, shoes, accessories, studio, fitness clubs, beauty salons, massage parlors);

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Entertainment (restaurants, cafes, coffee shops, fast food, cinemas, theaters, museums, art galleries, amusement parks).

only one category, and it is impossible to change it, you can choose at registration card. Of course, I chose the "family."

The selected category keshbeka give 7%, all other spending - 1%. Maximum keshbek per month - 3000 rubles.

Theoretically, you can get two cards with different categories, but they say it has no one could.

When making a map to choose a credit limit of one hundred thousand to one million rubles. They say that this choice affects the probability of approval of the card. I have at least - 100 000 rubles.

The Bank has established the following requirements for the card to the recipient:

"You are a citizen of the Russian Federation aged 21 to 68 years;
You have a permanent place of work;
Your income is not less than 70 000 rubles. (For Moscow) / 50 000 rubles. (For other regions);
Your work experience in the last place is not less than 3 months, or you are on the retirement pension (Occupational old-age pension, work disability pension and early retirement pension and the pension for years of service);
You are constantly reported in any subject of the Russian Federation, in which the Bank operates on consumer lending. "

As is known, the rigidity conditions is offset by their performance. :)
When making an application for the card specified set of data: the place of employment, position, salary (required above 70,000 in Moscow), Director of the names and the immediate supervisor. I even mother's name and her phone asked. However, the approval or denial of registration takes three minutes, and appears to have reliable data on the amount of wages no one checks.

At least every other card issuance is denied, without mentioning the reasons for refusal. If denied, the next time you can try to get the card within a month. Some of them are for the third time. I was lucky - the map approved on the first try.

Maps are of two types - non-personalized instant issuance and the name (for it will have to go to the bank again). bank employee frightened me that the lack of problems can be tied to Google Pay, but all perfectly tied up and running.

When issuing cards offer have to pay to insurance. I offered her a pretty unobtrusive, I of course refused. It is said that sometimes without issuing insurance card issuing refuse.

Upon receipt of the card is important, without leaving the bank to form over the phone pin-code and do a background check balance at an ATM. Without this procedure, the card will not work.

Now I use this card primarily for utilities payment. It turns keshbek 8% 7% on a map, plus 1% MTS Pay ( Of course, I use it to pay for children's products, medicines and treatment, if necessary.
To purchase products use map
megaphone ( keshbek on it above, but when the monthly limit keshbeka of Megafon is exhausted, start to use the card OTP before the end of the month.

I now have 20 credit cards (all free), while actively I use at least half of them. I understand that bother so few people will, but try to have one single map Big keshbek I recommend to all who are sufficiently careful not to miss payments to the card always remains free and brings good keshbek.

P.S. All financial products I write is absolutely free and does not receive any compensation from banks or other organizations. Just me it is interesting, I find the best deals, and talk about them.

© 2019 Alex Nadozhin