Strange prohibition in commercial networks

  • Dec 24, 2019

Every time I buy a large number of identical goods in stores Pyaterochka network, attack, Okay, I'm surprised that cashiers instead of at the checkout enter quantity and a time to scan the bar code, scan the same code dozens of times. It turns out, they do not on their own.

Recently I bought cat food in the attack on the shares. The cashier took one bag and scanned with him forty-five consecutive barcode. The result was a very long check, from which it is impossible to understand how many packets punched feed, and there are no errors (I will not, I believe the lines).

I asked why she just does not will enter the number at the box office, and was told that the store management forbids it to do. It turns out the same way prohibit cashiers to enter the amount of goods and Pyaterochka.

I did not understand the meaning of such a ban. Why make cashiers do stupid unnecessary work and inconvenience to customers?

P.S. Malasha says that it checks the length does not bother, as long as the feed given time. ;)

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