What do metal parts

  • Dec 24, 2019

Sometimes you need to make any mounting bracket or irregularly shaped. I found out what they can do.

In DIY stores sold all sorts of irons.

I once bought any different, but it turned out that they are uncomfortable to bend something figure: the metal is too thick - 2 mm. Yes, and they are not cheap.

The ideal would be a plate of 1 mm in thickness, but such somehow not sell. Previously such plates and strips with 4 mm holes were in children's metal designer, but also somewhere to take them now.

In the same building stores sell fasteners for drywall. Called "suspension line".

What is important is to take the more expensive pendants, 0.6 mm thick, instead here are 0.5 mm to 5 rubles slotted in the middle.

These glands normally be cut with scissors, metal, well bent and strong enough. The main thing when working with them at all times to keep their tools, not your hands, otherwise sooner or later, so be it.

Of course, the plate 1 mm with rounded edges of the non-acute (in the same child metal constructor) It would be preferable, but that's the fixings for plasterboard sold on every street corner for 10 rubles for apiece.

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P.S. It turned out there is the perfect solution for such problems - mounting tape LM 30x1.0, that's just sell it only in rolls of 25 meters and only in specialized offices. If you buy with delivery, 800 rubles.

© 2019 Alex Nadozhin