How I became a pirate :)

  • Dec 24, 2019

One day I was about to become "audiopiratom" recording sound in a movie theater on just such a tape recorder, "Vega-326", but my attempt failed.

In 1977 came the musical film ABBA, composed of live filming of the same name of the group. In 1981 the film appeared on the screens of the USSR.

Those who are now less than thirty, it will be very difficult to understand what kind of reaction caused the release of the film. It was something that JUST CAN NOT. Half an hour of songs popular foreign groups who rarely played on the radio and TV, and the plates were terrible deficit. And suddenly it became possible so simply to watch a movie for ten cents.

I've been thinking, what is it can be compared to today. Came up with only one analogy: Imagine that on the ground and let the aliens have landed in the rent a movie about his life. Presented? That is approximately the response has been output ABBA movie.

After watching the film, I realized that really want to listen to it many times. And then I'm pretty hesitant 11-year-old boy, after the film has gone to the projectionist booth and asked him allow me to come the next day with a tape recorder and record directly from the projector's sound track of the film ABBA.

instagram viewer

The next day I soldered the cable took his Vega-326 ( And went to carry out a pirate recording (in those days, even this meaning of the word was not).

Alas, the recording could not be done - the level of the signal from the projector was too high and the sound of wheezing. It was necessary to solder a divider, but it was too late - the film shows only two days of one session.

P.S. Photos Vega-326 hereMy somewhere in the garage is probably.

© 2018 Alex Nadozhin