Audio Meter UNI-T UT353

  • Dec 24, 2019

Sound level meter or sound level meter - a device that can be used to measure and compare the noise level of any equipment, as well as to evaluate the level of noise at home, on the street or at work.

A long time ago I bought some Chinese online store simple sound level meter Benetech GM1351, which measured the noise levels and a variety of devices to date. But to do so they were uncomfortable and the evidence could not be very accurate - the numbers on the screen of the device all Time change: outside the window and rode the motorcycle noise has increased immediately, the cat jumped on the bed - even a splash noise.

I realized that in order to accurately measure the monotonous sound equipment need a device that can fix a minimum noise level. And I found such a device.

Sound Level Meter UNI-T UT353 can measure the minimum and maximum volume level, as well as to continuously measure the sound level in two Fast mode (sampling time of 125 ms) and Slow (sampling time 1000 ms). In fact, in the mode Slow Sound Level Meter indicates the average noise level in 1 second. There are lights and lock readings (hold).

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Technical parameters of the device:

Measured sound level: 30-130dB ± 1.5dB, 0.1dB resolution;
Frequency range: 31.5Hz-8KHz;
Sampling time: 125ms / 1000ms;
Determination of the minimum and maximum levels;
values ​​fixation mode (HOLD);
Overload indicator, low battery;
Auto after 5 minutes;
Power: 3xAAA 1.5V
Size and weight: 150x52x27mm, 78g (without batteries).

Foam windscreen is removed.

The device is powered by three AAA batteries.

Unfortunately, thread for tripod mount no. We'll have to stick fasteners from GoPro.

For fun, I made some measurements and compare the readings with Benetech GM1351.

Very quiet room: 35.7 dBA (Benetech - 34.3 dBa).
Quiet Room: 36.2 dBA (34.9).
Quiet street: 62.3 (62.5)
Noisy street: 68 (67.1)
Human speech at normal volume at a distance of 1 m: 66.4.
Very loud music: 109.1

Buying on Aliexpress here for $ 13.49.

Very satisfied. Excellent priborchik!

© 2016 Alex Nadozhin

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