Big Brother is closely monitoring

  • Dec 24, 2019
click fraud protection

We are accustomed to the fact that at each entrance and in most shops are video cameras and take pictures of the client banks at the conclusion of the contract. What do you think, how this information is used?
Many people naively think that photos and videos are simply stored in the archives, and viewed in the commission of offenses.
As it were not so!

In the expert Intel club I saw in the two systems that are both surprising and frightening.

The first system - an intelligent video surveillance Axxon Next. There are many intelligent video analytics in the system (for example, you can select all of the video stream moieties, where the specified area got cars or pedestrians), but the most interesting - working with persons. The system is able to automatically create a database of all persons who have fallen into the frame, and then to issue reports on each person - and where he was.

If you think that this is all in the theory and will work in the distant future, I'll surprise you. To the system is already connected all the intercoms Moscow region. She knows all the inhabitants of the houses and their guests. You can request data on any person and the system will in some entrances and when he came.

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Of course the many benefits: suppose committed petty theft. There is a picture with the intercom to a man entering into the entrance. In just a few seconds, you can find out what else he entered entrances and on the frequency of visits to the entrance, you can immediately see which entrance he lives. But all residents were "under the hood". Of course, theoretically, access to the system the common man can not get, but the one who can get to know, for example, in which the entrances comes his wife.

By the way, Axxon Next system is implemented exactly the same time compression, in RapidRecap technology, which I recently told (

The second system - RecFaces. This, too, face detection, which is used in shops and banks.
Buyers shopping system seems friendly and nice: it automatically welcomed on behalf of each customer, which was already in the store. But the main purpose of it: the definition of shoplifters and analytics purchases. Shop knows each of his loyalty and offers him what he usually buys.

The bank system is used to deal with rogues. Even if they are presenting false documents, they know in person.

CCTV principles of global changes. If earlier it was a simple fix what is happening now is a powerful analytics recognizing faces and license plates. Very soon, such systems will be connected to all of the cameras on the planet and Big Brother will know exactly where all its inhabitants and what it is currently doing.

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