Where are bothersome gnats in the kitchen and how to get rid of them

  • Dec 24, 2019

We are all familiar with the small bothersome gnats appear, kind of like, out of nowhere. Most low places they live are kitchen and flower potsAs well as there, and be there for them ideal conditions for existence. These small "lodgers" without hesitation regale our food, getting at the same time in tea, in cakes and fresh fruit salad, as well as love to fly over a trash can and a clogged sink.

Yes, these uninvited guests great spoil us life, but knowing a few effective ways by which you can easily get rid of. About, why there are lice and how to fight themI will tell in this article.

I think you just do not notice how left a piece of apple in the kitchen, suddenly it becomes the prey of Drosophila - these small dirty dog ​​very much like to hold off on the fruit of your eggs.

Of course, to detect worms hatched from them is very difficult, as you know, what they are tiny size. However, do not worry - our bodies can not exist in Drosophila, as they immediately kill gastric hydrochloric acid.

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The room colors inhabit stsiaridy. They love a moist environment and instantly smell the culture medium, which some growers fertilize their green "favorites."

How to get rid of them?

Well, if you're not the enemy any chemical "stuff" that this fight can be won with the help of beloved dichlorvos, all sorts of "Raptor" and "Raid", which at one time to clean your house from midges. Of course, other means should be applied to plant pots, such as a Thunder-2, Akhtar and others.

But, you can try and improvised methodsFor example, to build a sticky trap of adhesive tape. Just fold it so that the sticky side turned out - it will stick and pests that can no longer come unstuck. That the bait was more "appetizing", sprinkle it with beer, wine or tea with jam.

It is also possible to build simple. but effective trap for gnats improvised:

Since it is known that lice can not tolerate certain smells, you can get rid of them and with the help of essential oils: lavender, cedar, tea tree, vanilla and clove. Just sprinkle the surface of these flavors and midges instantly leave your house, and the room at the same time will be a pleasant aroma.

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