On Sunday morning, according to family tradition, we're going at the same table as the week breakfast together just does not work. Naturally, such a breakfast should be not only delicious, but also fast, because after waking the body usually requires actively replenish strength and energy. It so happens that I live my life at an accelerated pace, so my culinary piggy bank has sufficient the number of recipes in the preparation of which requires a minimum amount of time and the maximum available Ingredients.
Today I want to share with you recipe for pizza in the pan - preparing for it very quickly, and the result is incredibly delicious. Of course, the standard pizza it still will be different, but, as for me, such a variant of its execution, too many have to "like". The most important thing - the dough is done in just a couple of minutes, which, of course, is a huge "plus".
To prepare the foundations we need 2 eggs, 4 tbsp. l. mayonnaise and Article 9. l. flour. All the ingredients are mixed and spread the "pancake" on a heated pan. Bake just a few minutes to grab a bit of the dough, and then smear "tip" ketchup, tomato paste, or simply cover the tomatoes 'slices'.
Now it's time to filling - I cut finely the onion and meat components, which can be hot dogs, and sausages, and ham, and smoked meat - in other words, than the "richer" cassoulet, the tastier. On the "pancake" Put the onion, meat and top cover a generous layer of grated cheese.
I do not usually Salts pizzaAs it, so getting enough salt due to mayonnaise and cheese.
Leave on low heat for 8 minutes, covered, until the cheese is melted, then remove from heat, sprinkle with herbs and serve. Pizza ready!
This is ideal for a hearty breakfast that will lift your mood and provide a burst of energy for the whole day. By the way, filling in the pizza you can each time to modify, for example, the same olives will add spice to the dish, and seafood in general will transform it into an exquisite culinary masterpiece!