What and how to properly handle the garlic before planting to obtain a rich harvest in the new season

  • Dec 24, 2019

Garlic - a popular vegetable crops, which often occurs in the beds among other green gardeners "residents". Of course, all we would like to harvest garlic pleased us with its size every year, quality and shelf life, since this aromatic seasoning you want to keep safe and sound as possible longer.

Recently, before planting garlic I began to process the garlic heads with special preparations, so that they become less exposed to diseases.

In this article, I'll discuss a few tools that are advised to process the garlic and explain why some of them to use is undesirable.

I think we all know that from what size we choose the garlic heads for landing, will depend on the size of the harvest. Of course, there are exceptions, but in most cases it happens that way. Since garlic is often subject to various diseases, namely, fusarium and botrytis, then, to rid yourself of unnecessary problems in the garden, garlic head before landing a better process.

Fortunately, there are many recipes for the preparation of solutions, which can withstand the seed from 1 hour to several days. Consider the most popular ones:

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Ash. Mix 400 g of wood ash and 2 liters of water, the mixture was put on fire, and bring to a boil. Boil about 30 minutes, remove from heat, cool and soak in the solution cooled down garlic head for several hours.

permanganic acid. Prepare a pale pink solution and fill them planting material for several hours.

fitosporin. Enough to dissolve the drug according to instructions and soak the garlic for 30 minutes, though it can be applied even if the symptoms of the disease on garlic has been found.

Zelenka. Even though it means and is known for its disinfecting action, but as a solution it is no good will not bring, so soak the garlic in it simply makes no sense.

Be sure to soak the garlic before landing in one of the proposed solutions - so you can be sure that it will grow healthy and strong.

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