How to prepare the ground in the autumn under the potatoes and then get a good harvest

  • Dec 24, 2019

Potatoes - the most popular vegetable crops. As a rule, all who were lucky enough to get a site, be sure to allocate it a place for potato beds, because the root is a frequent guest at the dinner table - delicious potato dishes, and hearty helpful.

The quality of the crop depends on the soil conditionSo it is important to prepare the ground and make it fertilizer in advance, though the process can be started in the fall.

In this article I will talk about how to properly prepare for the next season to get a rich and tasty harvest.

Experienced gardeners know that ideally, must be present in the garden crop rotation - when landing from time to time to change their place of "residence". Especially useful for this kind of change of scenery potatoes - because of this during its cultivation there is much less of a problem, and Specifically, plants are exposed to less disease and better preserved, and tubers always grow large and not crushed, as is often it happens. It is believed that the former bed of potatoes can be planted at least 3 - 5 years.

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The main task is to properly prepare a place at the site where will be located the future potato beds. First thing you need to do diggingUsually spend it in September. If the weather is warm and dry, you can add to the soil microbial preparations, thanks to which the land is cleared causative fungi of various diseases and also in it will begin the process of decomposition of plant residues.

If the soil is heavy to moderate in the fall need to make it organic, and in the spring - well proryhlit and make nitrogen fertilizer.

If the soil is light, the organics may be introduced in the spring. necessarily Use only rotted manureOtherwise such fertilizer will do more harm than good. Usually, the action of manure on light soils lasts 3 - 4 years, while heavy - 6 - 7. This is due to the fact that in heavy soils the process of decomposition of organic fertilizer lasts much longer.

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