For what "flowers" in the country could write out a large fine or even to prosecute

  • Dec 24, 2019
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I think we all know that at the present time any gardener for the cultivation of illicit crops, even on its own site, may be subject to administrative and criminal liability. Agree, it is unlikely anyone would want to expose themselves to such risk, because the extra trouble with the law certainly does not enrich life.

Therefore, in this article I will talk about the cultures, which prohibited the cultivationAnd explain what can be dangerous plants out of this "black" list.

I must say that even if they find even one such a plant on your site, you write out a fine of up to 4000 rubles, and if you grow them in large amounts, the penalty can be up to 300 thousand. rubles or imprisonment up to 2 years.

Well, let us start with the most famous representative of the green - hemp. It is known that in this plant contains psychoactive substances which are used for manufacturing different substances.

The man had tried once these banned substances, no longer able to voluntarily withdraw from them, though over time it begins to be observed deterioration of mental abilities, schizotypal disorder, problems with the cardiovascular system, and in some cases completely revealed crayfish.

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Blue lotus - a very beautiful and very dangerous aquatic plant. Included in the family Nymphaeaceae, grows and blooms in water large bluish colors.

It consists of psychoactive substances which can cause euphoric state. After the use of the people experience nausea, seizures, hallucinations and general intoxicated state.

Mushrooms that contain psilocybin and psilocin. Typically, the "live" them in the swamps, manure piles and soil with dead plant remains.

Dangerous to humans are psilocybin and psilocin - substances in their action reminiscent of psychotropic drugs. These mushrooms from the other "brothers" differ cartilaginous long legs, as well as plates on the cap, grows in him.

Mack hypnotic. No, it does not mean that neighbor with the garden grow harmless scarlet poppies, violates the law.

It is a question of certain varieties of the plant used for the preparation of drugs. What are their main differences? To do this you must pay attention to the box with poppy seeds - the diameter of the dangerous plants are about 2 - 5 cm.

This is the most beautiful and at the same time dangerous plants, cultivation of which is strictly prohibited by law. Particular attention should be paid namely poppy representatives - to look at illegal varieties inexperienced person it is very difficult to determine.

Therefore, I advise to buy seeds only at certified stores and proven sellers, so you can create a secure poppy flower bed, without exposing themselves to unnecessary risk.

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