Fertilize cherry fall and get a stable high yield in the new season. dressing recipe

  • Dec 24, 2019

We have in the garden has always been, is and will continue to grow cherries as these berries in our family, especially all hit the spot. Typically, vitamin season we start favorite dumplings with cherries and finish restocking the winter - varenitsem. Therefore, to this kind of "raw material" enough, I'd like every year to collect a rich harvest from their plantations. That is why for several years in a row I regularly "pet" cherry dressings, Allowing the plants bear fruit abundantly.

In this article I will tell you more, how to fertilize your trees in autumnTo the spring of the cherry "woke up" since the new forces.

So, just want to say that the number and fertilizing frequency will depend on the age of the tree - the older the cherry, the more it will need fertilizer. Since in my garden is dominated by "mature" landing, which for more than 10 years, I fertilize them every year.

The first thing to do before making dressing - well loosen the soil in the tree trunks, and then this site is moistened with water. You can then proceed to fertilizers for root feeding receive I double superphosphate 200 g and 100 g of potassium sulfate. This mixture is evenly distributed just on the ground, and then carefully close up the rake. You do not need much, and try to "chase" the fertilizer deeper - it is better if they remain in the upper layers of the soil. Oh, and do not forget to step back from the tree trunk somewhere 60 - 70 cm.

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If the cherries in the garden you young, The first few years they will be sufficient to conventional irrigation with the addition of 20 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium fertilizers. To do this simply dissolve these components in a bucket of water and pour the solution evenly around the trunk.

In order to understand how often to fertilize, just pay attention to how cherry fruits - if crop you are satisfied, then the feeding can be made in a year or two, depending on how the tree will be on them to react. However, as the old trees, I would recommend to fertilize them every year - according to my cherries, such "care" it is only going to benefit.

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