As I am preparing a quick autumn compost in bags, and in the spring already'm doing it on a bed

  • Dec 24, 2019
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Compost - a popular organic fertilizer not only farmers, but also the plants themselves. It's probably the most affordable and useful fertilizing, which saturates the "residents" in the beds of nutrients and trace elements, while improving the structure and quality of the soil.

The only fertilizer is preparing quite a long time, namely, about two years - agree that it is a considerable amount of time. But, in order not to complicate their lives with endless waiting, you can use the method of preparation of so-called rapid compost in bagsThat its characteristics will be no different from what be aged in a compost pit for years.

Intrigued? Then let's not waste time and start the process!

So, as it has been said, for the preparation of rapid composting we need bags. Besides, they must meet the following requirements: their volume shall be at least 120 liters, and the material itself is necessary to choose a dense and dark, in order to better attract the sun's heat.

With regard to raw materials, that for this purpose the remains of fruits and vegetables are ideal, all sorts of greens from the garden, weeds, grass clippings, as well as cardboard and paper scraps.

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However, I would advise you to refrain from adding in the bags of potato tops and tomatoes, as well as perennial weeds and citrus residues, as these components will hinder the process composting. But, to help the compost to mature fasterIn each bag must be added per liter of wood ash, and another to throw a small handful of ammonium nitrate.

When all components are carefully rammed into bags, tie tightly and place them in a sunny location, where they are sure you will not interfere with his presence. Within 3-4 months, our "quick" fertilizer will be fully ready for use.

As you can see, nothing complicated in the process of preparing quick compost not only have to buy a few bags of quality, but I think the result is worth the small investment. In addition, you will save your time and effort, do not have a regular compost stirring the compost pit, so also will save the dressing from erosion by rain and the appearance in it pests.

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