Why I do not use aspirin in the preservation of the winter, and I advise everyone to give it up

  • Dec 24, 2019

Here are today again came across another recipe canned tomatoes, a subsidiary component of which is aspirin. I agree, aspirin - a wonderful drug that many people make life easier. But, does it really benefit us if we Kinema couple tabletochek in a jar with blanks for the winter?

On that score do not stop to argue the hostess, since some are strong adversaries this unusual use of acetylsalicylic acid, and others readily pour white tabletochki food. Who is right in this situation, and what can be the consequences of this innocuous at first glance, supplements, discuss in this article.

So, I confess, I studied a lot of literature on this subjectSo to say with certainty that Aspirin in preparations for the winter is not the place! Suppose that there would not speak in his defense, but it's still a drug that, like all others, It has a number of side effects. Therefore, even minimal, but the trace of its use in the body all the same remains.

Furthermore, aspirin is in the bank, eventually begins to interact with the marinade itself, in which process

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phenolic compounds formed. Once the number reaches a critical point, they turn into a real poison for our body, causing nausea, dizziness and other symptoms of intoxication.

Especially from such a preservative should avoid people with digestive problems and kidney problems, as these organs acetylsalicylic acid affects the most. And yes, if you suddenly cracked his cucumbers with aspirin, and then decided to heal the same medicine by doctor's orders, the You may encounter an allergic reactionBecause the body you simply "do not understand."

So, it is better to think 10 times than to grab his head in the event of unintended consequences. In any case, you are free to decide whether or not to add an aspirin, but as for me, this kind of "experience" our body really does not bring benefits.

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