The correct way to fit a black currant in the early autumn, which gives a good harvest. My algorithm of actions

  • Dec 24, 2019

Do you have growing in the area currants? Are you satisfied with its development and harvest? I, for example, a long time underwent failures in the care of several of his currant bushes, and only after enough time, having studied at the same time a lot of literature, I realized, what was my fault.

In this article I will share with you, as the newly planted seedlings currant, as well as talk about their mistakes that have long hindered the growth of planted trees and did not give them the opportunity to properly fruit.

So, let us start with the work on the bugs to you once it became clear what to do, you should not. As it turns out, a great influence on the fate of the plant has it fitIn which the process I admitted blunders - not bury planting in the ground and not cut them. As a result, currants just "sitting" in the land, not giving any hints on the further development and fruiting.

I decided to remedy the situation planting new seedlings, took up this process in late summer - early autumn. Place on a site for the bushes were selected solar, deep pits dug 40 centimeters, generously pouring into each bucket of water. After this was immediately added into the recess 30 g of the complex feeding and mixes it with the water razmyaknuvshey ground.

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For eighteen hours prior to transplanting the seedlings into the water suppliedThat they are well fed with moisture, leaves, by the way, I have removed from them.

When to plant, I made a slight inclination of seedlings and deepened into the ground at least 5 cm, and then sprinkle the compost and soil.

And, of course, each seedling I drastically "cut her," be seen leaving the ground only a small "penechek". With this plant will take root faster.

At the end again abundantly watered flower bed new currant - land immediately subsided a bit, as in the soil disappear all emptiness.

At the end of the month brought under every bush half a liter of ash and 20 g of superphosphate, while regularly watered them, and before winter zamulchirovat dry leaves.

The result of the work has been seen in the spring - underground buds have formed strong shoots, which must be prischipnut once, to make a more lush bush.

So, I advise you to plant currants and under this scheme - the bushes will grow strong and healthy, which will surely affect the quality and yield.

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