As I keep "fresh" leeks from autumn until spring

  • Dec 24, 2019

Leek is not so often found in suburban areas, but there is still a lot of his fans in the world. This vegetable is usually used in cooking, from their fellow bulb is different thick and succulent stems, and the lack of bulbs.

It includes a variety of useful minerals, especially important for our body are calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and sulfur. Leek able to strengthen the immune system and protect the body during outbreaks of winter colds, so it is in the cold season it is recommended to actively eat. To do this, you need to take care of the correct storage of vegetables, for example, in the refrigerator or cellar - so will keep it fresh leaves until the arrival of spring.

In this article I'll show you how to prepare the onion crop to the test of time to leeks for a long time to please you with their presence.

So, as you know, the leek is a cold-resistant plants, so it is usually harvested in the crop late September or even in October - it easily withstands small decrease temperature.

With regard to the reserves for the winter, you can save a vegetable, both dried and frozen - in the first case will suit small plants that need to be washed, cut into small pieces and dried. This seasoning can be used for soups, stews and other main dishes.

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When it comes to freezing, The bow should be washed, cleaned, cut the roots from the Donets and cut into rings, then package them "semi-finished" on a package and send it in the freezer.

If dispose place in the fridge, you can keep the leeks and fresh - 4 months it certainly will lie. To do this, wash the vegetables under water, trim the roots a little and wrapped in a perforated bag. As practice shows, the best place to store in the fridge - at the rear wall.

But for those who were lucky enough to get hold of the basement, it fits the following method: Sprinkle in a box or bucket of wet sand and then just plug it in leeks. Top sprinkle sand plants layer should be at least 15 cm. As such, the onions will stay fresh for a long time, however, keep in mind that this method does not involve a decrease in temperature lower than -10 degrees.

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