When you need to dig up the potatoes and how to determine that she was "ripe"

  • Dec 24, 2019

Harvesting - it is really a process that really is a pleasure. We all look forward to when grown fruits ripen and finally leave their beds. The same applies to potatoes - you want to recover quickly for shovel and "stuff" potato cellar. But, this thing can not be rushed - it is important to wait until the potato itself is "ready" to "dues", otherwise we risk to get poor quality and tasteless fruits that everything else has to be bad, and stored.

In this article I will discuss how to avoid mistakes in the process of collecting the potato crop, and to understand that the root crop is fully ripened and ready for use.

Of course, general terms of harvest - it is a very relative conceptAs gardeners in this case should be guided more and their knowledge. To establish the exact date is virtually impossible, since the growth and development of plants affected by many factors, such as weather conditions, the frequency of watering, fertilizing amount and others.

If you plant early potatoes, then start digging it can be a couple of months - in early July. But, as practice shows, large fruits such varieties do not favor, and indeed the potato is almost unusable for storage. Signs that you can begin to dig, will

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yellowed leaves and stems of plants shrunken.

Srednepozdnie and late varieties of potatoes usually start digging in September. Such potatoes can safely send to the basement - it dolezhit right up next season.

To determine the "ready" if the potatoes, scoop a few shrubs varying degrees of drying stems and evaluate the degree of readiness of a potato - if all the tubers are covered with a dense cloth, though almost all the potatoes easily separated from the bush - take a shovel, pitchfork, and get to work. If, however, turned out to be immature potatoes, then set aside digging until mid-September.

So, keep an eye on the state of its potatoes and its time to dig out - so you will save the harvest from rapid decay and retain its flavor.

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