How to increase productivity and treat plants against powdery mildew using aspirin

  • Dec 24, 2019

Did you know that the home kit can be used not only to improve the well-being of households, but also to provide positive impact on horticultural plants? Here I am referring to all known aspirinWhich is capable not only at times to increase the yield of tomatoes and cucumbers, but also to strengthen the plants themselves, making them more resistant to various kinds of diseases and adverse weather conditions.

How to apply and how often to feed your garden "favorites" will cover in this article.

Not everyone knows that in the period of so-called stress, plants begin to produce salicylic acid, which is for them a natural protection. What can disturb the plants in the beds? The most common stressful situations for crops could be sudden changes in temperature, deterioration of the weather conditions, the attack of pests and harmful bacteria appearance. Thanks to salicylic acid plants easier to rehabilitate and recover, but the amount of this component is produced may not be sufficient to fully recover. Therefore, aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) as time and make up for this deficiency.

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Conduct feeding in two ways: Dirt through the roots or by spraying the plants from above. In the first case, add 10 l of warm water 500 mg of salicylic acid (4 atsetilki tablets which need to pre-stretch). Water plants every 20 days, on each bush pouring 0.5 liters of solution.

spray fit the following solution: 10 liters of warm water to add 2 mashed aspirin and some liquid soap or soap chips. Through the atomizer to spray tomatoes and cucumbers.

Cure plants against powdery mildew helps following means: Dissolve in 1 liter of water 2 aspirins, add 3 g of sodium hydroxide, 5 g of liquid soap and 5 g of denatured alcohol. Treated plants are at least 2 times, but to secure the effect is better to spend more and the third treatment.

If there is no desire to prepare solutionsJust bury half a tablet of aspirin every bush - this method is no less effective than the other.

So be sure to try to use aspirin in your garden - plants start bearing fruit early and crop will delight you.

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