Important feeding for a good crop of garlic and onions

  • Dec 24, 2019

I think all gardeners grow onions and garlic, because it is the very culture, which are used daily in cooking. I, for one, am looking forward to the emergence of green onion pens, because they can add to each dish special spicy flavor and aroma. But, as shown by my long experience, a year on year is not necessary - is that onion feathers grow so very slowly and reluctantly, and garlic and all yellow.

In this article I want to talk about how to fertilize the onion and garlic to the result of your efforts has exceeded all expectations.

If we talk about chemical fertilizers, at the onion and garlic beds they need to make a clear sequence. Thus, during the occurrence of the earliest of the onion and garlic shoots, beds must be fertilized with urea or ammonium nitrateTo provide a sufficient amount of nitrogen to plants. Exactly nitrogen It provides a build-up of green mass and rapid growth of the so-called onion feathers.

To energize the beds phosphorus and potassium, which are important for normal growth of these plants, it is necessary to use superphosphate and potassium salt.

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Superphosphate best used in the active season onion and garlic growth, but in order to advance to prepare the beds, you can start to make it into the soil since autumn. Potassium salt must be added already during the formation of bulbs. Be sure to follow the dosage recommended by the manufacturer, as all fertilizers have accumulation of property and land, and all the plants are grown.

In addition, one such efficient fertilizer can be cooked with his own, using simple ingredients.

To do this properly Chop the egg shells and sprinkle the powder beds. On top of the soil must be sprinkle yeast solutionWhich is prepared from water and yeast with sulfur (bought in a shop) - Add 10 liters of water 10 grams of yeast. This fertilizer is perfectly nourish onion and garlic beds with necessary microelements. Your onions and garlic will grow strong and healthy, the plants will rise immunity, and the green mass will be lush and juicy.

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