Why tomatoes on the leaves begin to curl

  • Dec 24, 2019

I think everyone is trying to pay their garden plants as much attention, because of this whole crop will depend. But sometimes, even in spite of the ideal care for the beds, the plants are a bit wrong, as we would like. Recently a friend of mine came to me for advice - she began to curl leaves on tomatoes. Yes, this is a fairly common problem, so in this article I want to talk about the major mistakes, as a result of which twisted leaves, and put forward several options to address them, are able to restore the old plants in a short time view.

The first thing I noticed - watering shrubs mode. The leaves may curl from both underfilling and from excess moisture in the soil. In the second case to the roots just no longer flow oxygen, so the plant leaves and twists to enable us to understand the lack of air.

If we talk about the underfill, it is important to keep in mind that tomato roots are deep enough in the ground. That is why the leaking out "volley" water bucket may simply spread on the beds, and the roots will remain without water. I water the tomatoes in small portions of water, 2 times a day, on a bush takes me about 10 liters.

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Next you need to say about fertilizers. Again, it is important to note that their surplus of as a complete lack of them, have a negative effect on plant growth and development.

From a surplus of zinc leaves can acquire a purple hue, but from a lack of calcium, in addition to twisted leaves, may occur even apical rot. In this case, can help plants calcium nitrate or a simple eggshell.

And the last thing I would like to say - pasynkovanie. Yes, the leaves may curl just the same because of his absence.

Remove the shoots on the sides need as soon as possible, because the longer will be the stepchild, the plant will be difficult to move the process of their removal.

This, in my opinion, the most basic causes twisting of leaves. If you encounter this problem, I suggest you review the items on their usual care of plants - it will be easier to find and fix the problem.

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