Why do I have uprooted the last 3 columnar apple tree planting and now only conventional varieties

  • Dec 24, 2019
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After my husband and I bought a summer residence, we decided to plant a new garden and plant a completely new fruit breeding varieties. The choice fell on columnar apple tree. 8 immediately decided to plant trees of various varieties. The main advantage of this apple is that it takes up little space and gives a good harvest.

The main advantages of columnar apple trees:

- a small tree with short branches

- due to its compactness, can be planted more trees at one site as compared to traditional apple

- a minimum of pruning. I just cut a couple of times this grade when individual shoots begin to grow more than 10 cm

- very easy to harvest. The bulk of apples going to stand. Only some fruits grown in the higher place, and had to substitute the stool

- a good harvest from one tree. Of course, the tree itself is rather low and small, so some huge harvest is not expected. I just grew 8 trees, so the apples my husband and children happy with it

The main disadvantages of columnar apple

  • Limited period of fruiting. Breeders have told me that this period is up to 10 years
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  • columnar apple tree requires constant care: feeding and watering. The problem with this type is that the wood is rather weak root system, requiring frequent watering

Somewhere in the 9 years of its existence, the last three trees in the winter and all spring podmerzli ill (earlier we have uprooted 1.5 years ago). What did I just do not, but all to no avail. In early June, my husband and I decided to uproot the trees, as it was already clear that they have come to an end... There were separate processes, but the situation it would not save - time fruiting come to an end...

I'm not going to plant columnar apple, because I think it's just a waste of your energy, time and nerves. And I have a lot of them went into the water and various fertilizers. This species is not exactly for those gardeners who want to plant a tree and to "forget" about it. This kind needs constant care.

And you had the experience of growing columnar apple trees? Write your thoughts about it in the comments

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