Simple but effective cucumber dressing that gives a rich harvest

  • Dec 24, 2019

When cucumbers are grown with their hands on their own garden, from the very beginning of their growth mentally imagine what the smooth, firm, crisp, and most importantly - not bitter and delicious they are. But in order that the result of a long effort met all expectations, in the process of growing cucumbers should seriously factor such as dressing. Moreover, the dressing can be considered one of the main guarantors rich and tasty crop.

Once on the train neighbor on the car, an avid gardener, she told me a prescription for certain feeding cucumbers, which I use to this day. It can be used more than once or twice, I would say, more often use it - the better. Here I am, for example, generously water the cucumbers this infusion every other day.

So, for the preparation of feeding, we need only 2 ingredients: ordinary onion peel and water.

Do not be surprised this primitive composition, these components are in fact fully justified. I will share with you another secret - so that in the summer do not puzzle over where to take the onion husk - start collecting it since winter - so you have the beginning of the season will be a huge vegetable garden stock main ingredient.

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The first step is to fill 0.5 liter saucepan onion skin two liters of warm water and bring to medium heat until boiling. Boil infusion for about 10 minutes and remove from heat. Once completely cooled down, add another 3 liters of water and can safely go to water the cucumbers.

This is absolutely uncomplicated dressing will not only significantly increase the yield, but also to quickly deliver plants from attack aphids and spider mites. When I started using this infusion, a few days later, I noticed that the leaves turn yellow cucumbers stopped and the plants became bright green color. And yes, if your seedlings tortured blackleg - wonderful dressing will help to cope with it!

I'm sure if you try this recipe, you will never be able to give it up. Quick results will not take long, and the plant will thank a bountiful harvest.

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