As I grew out of ginger root

  • Dec 24, 2019

One day I bought ginger root in the store and when he got home noticed that he had a swollen kidney and I had the idea in my head that I can try to grow from the root of the ginger in a pot on windowsill.

How to prepare for the cultivation of root

Not everyone is ginger root is suitable for growing in a pot. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that it is smooth and without any wrinkles and damage. It should already be called a kidney, from which then the first shoots will grow.

The second point - we need to get rid of possible chemicals that handles the root of this before transportation to the store. To do this it will need to soak in ordinary water and leave somewhere for a day - at Meria I did so. To destroy a variety of bacteria, it is recommended to add a little water, potassium permanganate, but do not overdo it!

If you got a pretty big root, then I recommend it to be divided into smaller parts. The slices should be done strictly according to the so-called jumpers this culture. Cut himself recommended treated with activated carbon.

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The choice of the pot and soil

This plant grows in width, but depth is quite reluctantly. It is for this reason, I recommend to choose not deep but wide pot.

As the ground I used peat substrate, which is bought at a flower shop. Be sure to provide drainage for the plant. For this purpose, on the bottom of the pot, it is possible to put a small layer of expanded clay.

Planting and Care

So, you already have a pot, drainage and fertile soil. Puts ginger roots horizontally and covered with soil. Sami buds of this plant should be above the soil - this is an important moment. Next you need to water the plant.

Place to plant, choose a bright and warm. It is also worth remembering that the culture does not like direct sunlight, and the south side it definitely will not work.

I then every 2-3 weeks fed up fertilizers from organic ginger (buy at the store). Culture loves moisture, so it is important to timely watering.

If all the right thing to do, somewhere after 7-8 months of ginger will grow well and is pleasing to the eye. It begins to bloom somewhere in the second yearWhen it reaches maturity.

Just wanted to say that leaves and flowers of this plant is not eatenAs they are bitter.

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