Along the Colorado potato beetle, wireworms is a very dangerous pest of potatoes. In fact, the so-called wireworms - a very small beetle larvae, wireworms. The insect has a yellow-orange color and a mind like an ordinary worm. The adults have got stronger and beetle larvae turn only in 3-4 years, and before that pose a real threat to the crop. There are many ways to control wireworm, to mention a few.
1. Before this beetle postpone all their larvae, you can try to deal with it themselves. After all, only for a season, the female lays up to 200 eggs. For the need to fill the empty cans of fresh potato leaves and put them on the site. 15-20 would be enough of such traps.
2. Excellent deters pests onion husks - is an effective national way. When you are planting potatoes, it is necessary in the hole put a small handful. It will also help protect the plant from various diseases. If the weather is windy, you can soak the potatoes in broth of onions.
3. There are some plants, the presence of which in itself is not like this pest of potatoes. These include peas and mustard. The presence of these cultures between the rows of potatoes significantly reduce the concentration wireworms.
4. Mustard perfectly deters this pest, and you can use regular mustard powder, which is a small handful is added to each well.
5. In can try to make the so-called bait as an experiment, which should be located at a depth of 10 cm. You can bury the potatoes, and a few days to get it already with the larvae. True. Doing this regularly will have, because the pest reproduces very quickly.
6. It would be useful to reduce the acidity of the soil. To do this, scattered all over your site or lime at planting is recommended to throw in a pinch of ash hole.
7. Before the onset of frost can be a good dig your garden. Once the pest is on the surface of the earth, he quickly perish from the cold.
8. Do not forget to look after the land, weeding. So the larvae will be much less food. After harvest, I strongly recommend to remove absolutely all the tops of your site. It will be difficult to reproduce when you deprive him of food.
9. Experienced gardeners use potassium permanganate solution. For this method should stir 5-6 g in 10 liters of water and then pour half a liter of the mixture in the well.
10. The latter method is pretty nifty. Before planting it is necessary to gather branches of pine needles (preferably pine) and cover them with a potato furrows.