How to grow a rich crop of garden blackberry

  • Dec 24, 2019
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First of all, should be planted blackberry bushes in the spring, after frost in May. A place for planting is better to choose a sunny and sheltered from strong winds.

Blackberry fertilizer likesSo pour into the hole when planting necessarily organic fertilizer, superphosphate, potassium sulfate. If the bushes are young, it is possible to put into one well of just two plants, so they will develop better.

After planting, water the plants once on each of 5-7 liters of water. Further well-mulched soil surface to prevent the development of weeds. The mulch is generally used as manure. And the final stage will be landing cropping - leave about 30-40 cm above the root of a good kidney.

By the way, purchase blackberry best in nurseriesOr gardeners in good standing, or run the risk of running into a wild blackberries, which will not please the quality and abundant harvest.

Caring for planting blackberries on the one hand simple, on the other, to carry out all the steps necessary, is the key to a good harvest and plant health.

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Watering should be regular and for a month after planting often enough - until the root system will be strengthened. Also worth once a week to loosen the soil around the bushes to ensure that the roots of oxygen.

After loosening make mulch. Feed should also be regularly mainly nitrogen fertilizers with the whole vegetation period and fruiting to actually fall. Inspect plants for pests, although they attack rarely, yet sometimes you can find aphids. From aphids pretty effectively cope solution of wood ash, which must first insist a couple of days, and then treat the plant completely. About three applications aphids will disappear.

Blackberry is also necessary to prepare for winter. First you have to cut and remove the dry branches obsolete, leaving the strong and healthy as a whole. Because it is especially blackberry fruits it is strong on old shoots.

crop field can be treated with vitriol from pests lurking around the plant and pour sawdust - a thick layer of freezing. Further branches bend down to the ground and covered with fir branches. Dry leaves lay absolutely impossible, because there may be pests. Hide top tightly with plastic wrap and secure the edge of the wooden beams - get something like a low-greenhouse. Thus, the Blackberry will not freeze in winter.

By the way, if the snow will be a lot, it can be additionally sketch snow - it will not vymerznut bushes at strong frosts.

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