Tomato tree or how I get 15 kg of fruit per bush

  • Dec 24, 2019

I already wrote in the previous article, I have a suburban area is quite small, so I switched from quantity to quality with proper care.

Many gardeners say that this is an impossible task, but in practice I managed to get a great harvest of tomatoes and environmentally friendly at the same time I did not use the greenhouse.

Tomato tree - a pledge of a great harvest

Then just need to say that not every bush I was able to get as many tomatoes as I have still eksperementiruju as the occupation is very exciting and interesting.

So, to start, I chose a tall variety of tomato called "F1 Octopus". In the photo on the Internet can be found as experienced gardeners grow this variety in a greenhouse, and they grow in the most literal sense of a real tree. Just look at this picture:

I planted this variety in normal soil.

This is known as a voracious variety that requires quite a lot of fertilization. At first I contribute about compost bucket at the very root. Later, several times repeated the procedure. This variety was quite moody and unstable to various diseases.

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The most important point - you need to compulsorily remove yellowed leaves from the bottom of the plant, as they take up nutrients that come into fruition. After this procedure, the plant is better ventilated, and I noticed that the sick much less often.

To make it more fruit - it is necessary to ensure the continued exposure to the ovary itself. For this reason, you need to remove unwanted leaves that provide shade and prevent the appearance of the fruit. I also tear off with the brush a few extra colors. The result is significantly less than the ovaries, and the bush is becoming more prolific.

Once again I want to repeat that I do not use chemicals, do not cover the bushes and did not come up with any more "artful" ways. In this case the yield of tomatoes I have always been happy.

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