How to grow goji berries on your own site

  • Dec 24, 2019
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Goji berries are known worldwide. Their other name - Tibetan barberry. The plant is a very labor-intensive cultivation in culture. Approach to care and planting of this plant should be with great responsibility. However, by following a few simple rules, you can achieve not only the fact that culture take root, but also to obtain from it a good harvest.

Attributed to goji berries with due care can be obtained for the personal needs of the real panacea, because the fruit of barberry are famous Tibetan worldwide healing properties. They are used with great success in many areas of alternative medicine.

Goji berries are the fruits that brings Lycium Barbarum - known in the east of the bush. He multiplies both vegetative and seed. breeding method depends on whether you find the gardener has developed a bush and separated from his young healthy sprig. Much harder to plant the seeds of Lycium Barbarum. The complexity lies in the fact that the seeds need to be collected from the fresh fruit, which can be found only in Tibet or the local fans. You can use and dry the berries, but the seeds of the sample at the same time should be large. Find among the dried seeds fit for landing is very problematic.

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seed propagation

Thus, the material selected. Immediately planting is not recommended - it is best to treat it a growth factor. It can be bought in a specialty store, is well suited stimulants such as zirconium and Appin.

For goji berries bushes need a special primer. Mix two parts soil and one part peat. You can add wood ash, if such is available. The mixture was placed in a shallow container, then thoroughly moistened. The ground punched shallow grooves, and in that the seeds are thrown. The interval between them should be a couple of centimeters. All this is sprinkled on top of a small layer of peat (about 0.5 centimeters, no more).

Dereza prefer warm and humid conditions. Therefore it is necessary first to place containers warm place, having wound previously polyethylene or dense tissue. After the first shoots appear, you need to transfer them to a brighter place, but because the container is best to move on a windowsill, balcony or any other place with good sunlight.

Before the appearance of the first leaves the soil is recommended to constantly moisturize. Making it the best spray, because it is safer for seedlings and soil is moistened more uniformly. After the first leaves of the seedlings should be placed in a small tank volume to 500 ml. This is necessary in view of the extensive root system of the plant, which does not allow it to develop in cramped conditions.

In the open ground shrubs placed no earlier than May. Excavated hole must be no larger than the volume of cup, ie about 500 ml, since the plant is moved together with the native soil.

The vegetative reproduction

The easiest way to get goji berries - vegetative reproduction. This option is ideal for people who have acquaintances owners wolfberry shrub. This method consists of crushing the young shoots are stiff with the kidneys. Each escape should not be greater than 10 centimeters, and each segment should be 4-5 buds, and about 2 centimeters developed cortex.

Cuttings treated with growth stimulator and disposed in greenhouse conditions. The most suitable for such purposes kind of soil - a mixture of peat and sand. The depth of the drop-off shoots should not be about 4 centimeters, this will help create favorable conditions for the rapid development of the roots.

Thus, adhering to the above rules, you can get such a rare shrubs on your own site. Goji berries will not only improve your health, but also become an excellent tool for prevention of diseases.

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