Diseases cucumbers, their prevention and treatment

  • Dec 24, 2019

One of the most important phases of care for cucumber is the fight against disease, the most dangerous for this cultures.

powdery mildew

the disease affects almost all kinds of melons. The main features is white and gray plaque, which is formed on the stems and leaves, and then spreads to the whole plant. The individual parts, defeated the disease, wither. In especially the rapid development of the disease may die the whole plant.

The cause of the disease is a fluctuation in temperature, as well as the high level of humidity - it's a very important point.

Downy mildew

This disease is manifested in the form of a yellow oily spots and the formation of the texture. After that there is a purple plaque. The disease progresses very rapidly and as a result there is only a green stem of a plant. This disease is activated at high humidity.

The above diseases arise when growing the culture under greenhouse conditions. Now there are a lot of drugs to fight these diseases. But they all have adverse effects when used in open field conditions. In this regard, preventive methods to combat these diseases have been developed.

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Very well to disinfect seeds before planting. For this purpose they are kept for half an hour in the warm water, and then placed for five minutes in the cold and dried. As soon as there are signs of defeat of one of the following ailments, you need to cut all the leaves and whip, then sprinkle the plant with a solution of spaced mullein, one kilogram of which is filled with three liters of water and keep several days. Spray the bushes must be very abundant, as a result of this not only removes all germs that cause powdery mildew, but also made of plant fertilization.


Is a disease caused by fungi and often widespread in greenhouses, deprived of heat. Many crops ravaged by the disease, appear quite normal, until bloom. And only then begin to dry up. The first signs are omitted tops of plants in a hot day.

If the disease is very active, the plant may die in a few days. Since on, so you can not get rid of it early stage it is not possible to recognize the disease. Preventive measures is considered to disinfect the seeds in the greenhouse and maintain normal climatic conditions.

white rot

It's a pretty nasty disease, which affects almost all parts of the plant. It is especially dangerous because it can spread mechanically. This disease occurs at elevated humidity levels and the absence of normal air. The main preventive measures include watering dairy products.


The disease affects cucumbers already at the time of transplanting. First of all damaged roots, causing the plant dies all. To protect the culture from this disease, it is necessary to thin out the seedlings regularly and ventilate the plant.

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