How to get an early crop of cucumbers

  • Dec 24, 2019

At the beginning of the summer, when there is no fruit, no fruit, so you want fresh cucumbers. Cucumbers grow rapidly, but to do so they need to heat, so it is usually the first crop will appear in July. How do you get an early crop of cucumbers? Let's investigate.

choose grade

Firstly, you need to choose a variety of groups "very early", their maturation period from the date of sowing of less than 40 days.

This hybrid varieties with different characteristics, their choice is enormous:

Artel, Arshin, Ayana, Bon Appetite, Fan, Dmitry Donskoy, Summer Garland, Provence capital, Sarrouh, Rural holidays, Midsummer, Slavyanka, Tachanka, Teschin dessert (a list of very early varieties of Russian agricultural firms).

We prick out

Very early harvest can be obtained only with the seedling method. Note that in the cultivation of seedlings will take about a month, so the planting of seeds produced from the mid to late April.

soaked seeds are planted in pre-prepared containers with soil. If not sure during seed germination, plant seed 2-3 in the pot, a cell (diameter 8-9 cm). Subsequently have to snatch extra sprouts. Please note that the treated seeds are soaked. They are easily distinguished by the unnatural color.

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The soil is watered and covered with foil. Germination temperature from + 22 ° C.

Postemergence film can be removed, but the temperature should not be below + 20 ° C. It is better to water with the spray.

Get cucumber seedlings easy. The main thing to ensure regular watering, no abrupt changes in temperature and good lighting to sprout not stretched.

Warm bed and shelter

At the stage of transplanting the hardest part - to provide the warmth of a plant. If the plant seedlings in the cold ground, then all the work will go down the drain.

Therefore we need a warm bed. Usually, it is prepared in the fall, a lot of code, vegetable waste. But for small beds and in the spring there is material.

To warm the beds needed:

- manure, compost, straw, last year and the fresh grass, leaves - a biofuel;

- any antiseptic to decontaminate the soil, for example, manganese solution;

- garden soil.

The process of creating a warm beds:

- digs a trench 30 cm deep and fill it with biofuels. Be sure to pour very warm water. To start the process of decomposition and, therefore, heat generation, it is possible to use the so-called accelerators for compost. They are sold in stores for the farmers, but it is possible to make an alternative version of yourself, for example, yeast, sugar and water.

- The next layer is the ground (about 20 cm). Better to bed has been raised. If this is not possible, then a trench dig deeper. Again, pour warm water.

- We reserve a bed under the film for a few days. During this time the bed should be warm in the sun and intensify the process of expansion of biofuels.

- planted seedlings with a lump of land, watered with warm water and cover with a greenhouse. Use the greenhouse will have until the seedlings are not accustomed, and the temperature becomes stable.

- Follow-up care of plants is no different from the traditional. When dressing note that cucumbers are in need of potash and phosphate fertilizers, and much less in nitrogen.

Thus, seedling method makes it possible to obtain a first crop of cucumbers in mid-June. And if you're lucky with the weather, if not sooner. Go for it!

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