How to achieve a good harvest of table beet

  • Dec 24, 2019
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All the power of the root!

Inborn power of beetroot, stretching back millennia, is its ancient roots. This root vegetable has long been cultivated in Europe, Africa and Asia, so it is well adapted to different growing conditions. Due to the fact that the main root penetrates deep into the ground, dining room beet differs drought, especially in the second half of the growing season.

And on beet nutritional value and can not speak. The beet formed accumulation vitamin P, reinforcing the vessel walls. In addition, dining room beet is very useful in the prevention of cardiovascular disease, and obesity.

Conditions for success growing beet

1. When selecting locations for planting beets, you must protect the roots from even a small wet. Therefore, at the low parts of the beets should be sown in the high places.

2. On the same site is permitted to sow beets in three years.

3. In the spring sowing beets no need to thicken, and when sown in the autumn beet sowing the contrary can be made thicker. The depth of planting beet seeds on light soils - four centimeters, and on heavy soils beets buried to a depth of not less than three centimeters.

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4. Beet harmful manure and organic fertilizers. However, successfully implement beet planting for next year in the soil, which had been made fertilizer data. Peatlands, which are deficient in boron, you must pay an additional boron fertilizer.

5. So that no soil crust, you want to use mulching with peat or humus and pine needles or sawdust.

6. You can not use frequent feeding, especially with regard to nitrogen fertilization. Dining room beet accumulate a significant amount of nitrates in their roots.

7. The soil in which it is sown beet, it is necessary to add potash. They contain chlorine. It reduces the chlorine nitrate in half.

8. A few days before the beet harvest, it should be well cast. Such watering promotes cell turgor, which helps to better preserve the roots in winter.

9. Dining room beet is very poorly tolerate frost, so the beets should be removed from the beds to the end of September.

10. Beet stored in plastic bags or boxes at about zero degrees.

Beets it is imperative to grow, as it is a particularly valuable vegetable that throughout the storage does not lose its valuable qualities.

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